week in review…

August 29, 2008

Sunday night, Dusty said:
“Who wants to camp out on the Balcony with Dad?”
Very quickly, came 3 replies…

“Me!” -Myla
“Me too!” -KJ
“Not me! Mom, Can I sleep with you if Dad’s outside?” -Kiana

Dusty made up very comfy beds out on the balcony for everyone at about 9pm…

By 10pm, the thrill of it all had worn off for KJ and he tip-toed back inside asking me to tuck him into his bed… {Because I was awake – on the computer – digi scrapping}

Right after I tucked KJ into bed I sneaked outside to take a photo –
Within 2 hours,


Dusty swore repeatedly, “I am never going to play soccer…”

Till I begged and begged him to try it…

{back: Ryan, Dusty, Brent, Troy Brett}
{front: Bjorn, Lance, Brook, Gordy, Enrique}

Stacked the team with great players {check}
Custom designed sweet jerseys {check}
New cleats, shin guards, and goalie gloves {check}
because he said, “I won’t get hurt being goalie…”
kicked butt at his first game {check}
Enjoyed every minute of it {check, check!}

Congratulations to the mighty fine DIRTY STARS!
Their FIRST game, and FIRST win!
10 – 7
This was a first-time attempt at soccer for Dusty,



July 2, 2008

Elle~McKenna~Hally~Shae~Kiana~Chanelkiana’s 3v3 indoor soccer team had such a great game last night! I think every girl scored a goal last night, with some getting more than one. They played a relatively hard team. The entire game was neck in neck, but in the final seconds the score was 10-9 and the other team was up. When the buzzer went off Chanel had a beautiful pass to McKenna who shot & scored {woo-hoo!} and they tied the game 10-10. It was so awesome! Way to go, rockstars!

And, thanks to Daddy they have these adorable new jerseys!


Kiana’s a ROCKSTAR!

June 26, 2008

Kiana’s indoor soccer team was booted up a division this season from U10 to U12, and with that change they also decided to change their name to –


With a new name, must come new uniforms…
thank you, Daddy!

The uniforms came in this week and were brought home, she had to break hers out and try it on tonight – she is #1 just as Myla and I both are on our teams.
I think the jerseys turned out awesome, uber work designing them KC!
{Us soccer mom’s are going to rhinestone their numbers!}

Good Luck Rockstars!
