spring break

April 19, 2009

has been total chill at our home…including the weather, at times.

in the past nine days we visited a few parks, an arcade, went to a couple of movies, ate out a few times {including the new “five guys burger & fries,} the kids have had non-stop play dates and sleepovers with friends, we’ve cleaned-cleaned-cleaned for spring, and I still had school {boo.}

Myla and her friend boston have taken up a new neighborhood past time of “dumpster diving.” They also went fishing at night with headlamps, the girl was in heaven!

Kiana finished a couple novels, and slept in till 1pm nearly every afternoon. she also spent a good few hours playing this with Eli and Ethan-

KJ logged at least 100 hours on the x-box 360.



April 13, 2009

was beautiful.

we attended church services with our friends at Christ evangelical, Myla still continues calling it the “rockband” church. The kids were convinced the easter bunny was not coming, so they were thrilled when baskets and eggs appeared on the back porch in the afternoon. We had a delicious family dinner, and some of us took naps all afternoon. Seriously, could it be any better? {we are all now getting to bed at 1am, due to naps!}
The easter bunny, instead of sending the kids on their traditional scavenger hunt twisted things up a bit this year. They each had a colored basket and their eggs were color-coordinated depending on the child…Kiana was green,


easter eggs

April 6, 2009
Big papi returned home from the big dance just in time
to dye easter eggs…

sparkles couldn’t wait for deviled eggs, she ate hers while she decorated them!
{sometimes with the shell-ewww!}

the finished eggs-


the post egg decorating snack…

this is an excellent snack/meal for no-sugar dieters!

if you don’t have a cake-decorator and/or deviled yoke decorator, use a Ziploc bag to squeeze the yokes back in. I use a Ziploc bag when I’m feeling lazy and don’t want to wash the extra dishes.



April 2, 2009

the Maori name for New Zealand, land of the long white cloud…

The 5th and 6th graders combined this year at Ivy hall and did their annual program together. This turned out to be such an awesome experience for Kiana. Her teacher, Ms. Shumway is from New Zealand so not only for the program but all year Kiana has been learning about her heritage. Dusty’s Dad {a.k.a. papa} is from New Zealand, and we hope to make a family trip there with him this next winter. New Zealand summer. Dusty and I {pre-kids} went to visit the Northern island of New Zealand and the 15 aunts/uncles Dusty has who reside there with endless cousins. Our trip was about 12 years ago…


report time.

April 1, 2009

Kiana has been studying the civil war at school, and each student has been focusing on different events during the war. Kiana had “the battle at antietam.” She has spent the last week working on her display board, and did it all by herself. She died vaseline blue for her river and has the confederates fighting the union across the river. i loved it! good work bear!
Kiana also had a book report due, this month her class could choose a book of their own choice and she chose “shug.” Her class made posters this month. You can’t really tell from the picture, but she made 3-D letters very adorable with glitter…Myla’s class read mystery books this month and she read,


utah dance fest

March 29, 2009

Utah dance fest is a dance competition held in Logan, Utah. If my memory is correct, I think this is the fifth year we have attended this competition. I love weekend trips with just my two big girls, and this weekend was no exception…

Kiana went along to compete her solo on Friday, but the main focus of the weekend was Myla’s jazz company “mini elites” competing on Saturday.

Kiana’s solo, “dancing with myself,”-

Kiana had a lot of fun performing/competing her solo. She received the top award in her category, “queen” – which is more or less the first place out of the 10-11 year olds jazz advanced category.
