has been total chill at our home…including the weather, at times.
in the past nine days we visited a few parks, an arcade, went to a couple of movies, ate out a few times {including the new “five guys burger & fries,} the kids have had non-stop play dates and sleepovers with friends, we’ve cleaned-cleaned-cleaned for spring, and I still had school {boo.}
Myla and her friend boston have taken up a new neighborhood past time of “dumpster diving.” They also went fishing at night with headlamps, the girl was in heaven!
Kiana finished a couple novels, and slept in till 1pm nearly every afternoon. she also spent a good few hours playing this with Eli and Ethan-
KJ logged at least 100 hours on the x-box 360. sela has been totally entertained following one sibling around after another. Hitching rides on 4-wheelers whenever she can.
We did crafts. crafts. crafts, which helped me clean out and sort supplies for our yard sale-
earlier this week, our dear friends the Blands had their suite at the Flash game and invited some of their friends {which included us!} for the play-off game. We all had fun, thank you thank you thank you scotty & suzie!
a.k.a. “snow break” –jackie.
a few days ago, this is what spring break looked like, and my kids spent way too much time playing this.
we all loved the movie “hannah montana.” seriously. so. cute. great music, and some cowboy eye candy for the young teens!after our movie, we crashed Sammy’s – literally.
The same evening, Dusty and I took Kiana and one of her friends to the midnight showing of “17 again.” very cute, but to be honest, it had some moments that were awkward to have our 11 year old crowd along. Like when they’re in sex ed. handing out free condoms…not so appropriate! the movie wasn’t so bad, but geesh, the previews that night were terrible for 11 year olds!!! hate that!
but, zac efron is adorable. and the movie has some very funny parts.
right this minute: the kids are in the pool, loving the warmer weather, enjoying every last second of spring break-back to school – tomorrow! {darn it.}
My spring break sounds just like yours minus the fun!;) I had a couple kids with fevers, pink eye, and asthma dang it! That’s alright. I still like hearing what everyone else was up to:)
Sounds fun! i am not ready for spring break to end. I agree about 17 again. I went with my niece and there were some very awkward moments for me.
Nothing like a little dumpster diving for spring break! I love how you guys have fun no matter what. I can’t believe the snow!
Love the low key Spring break and completely agree with the “darn it.” School, schmool.
Am never awake this late. Must have been the caffienated (sp?) coffee I drank at 9:00 P.M. !!!!
We did have fun! Snow and Crappy weather cannot stop these mommas! haha
I love how you heated the pool. So perfect to end the week.
Funny story about Myla i never told you, but when they were out searching for worms, she found a “Pet” and so when i saw them on the Lot next to Granum’s, I asked what they were doing and they were so excited to show me their new “pet” they thought it was just adorable. Ummmm, it was a mouse, and Myla was not afraid of capturing it. hahahaha We of course scrubbed them down and then sent them off fishing.
They are too cute, i feel like these are such fun memories they are making. Adventurous Memories!!
I wish we could all sleep in tomorrow!!
I look forward to your spring break posts – your kids seem to have such a great time and they’re so lucky to have wonderful friends nearby!
Bummer you didn’t have spring break during the same week. Are you taking the summer off?
I have been enjoying catching up on your posts. What in the world? Your gas leak scares me! I’m so glad all of you and your beautiful house were okay. You must be one organized mama to get everything you need out that quickly.
I hope the snow melts quickly – you’ll be baking in the sun in no time! We miss you guys. Will be in town for a looooong trip in August 🙂
Wow! Swimming and Snow at the same time. I can’t even comprehend that! Glad you guys had a wonderful spring break. It seems that kids had loads of fun.
love your cute little remarks on your pics. the older Kiana looks the more she looks like you.
Harry ended up with two weeks of Spring Break–both weeks he was sicker than a dog. We’re taking a redo next week and going to Vegas.
you guys definitely know how to do spring break!
looks like fun.
what a fun break! looks busy, but loads of memories for your kids!
Looks like fun times at the Rhodes house as usual…glad you had such a fun Spring Break! I am so looking forward to Summer!!
Soo fun Jane! I love Mylas creative, and spunky side. I think we all need to sometimes let go and do a little dumpster diving. 🙂