lookiehere. {easy instructions too}

ok, really…

aren’t these awesome?!?

some days it really pays off to be a graphic-design-student/momma…
{but really…these are easy-peasy, anyone could make them!}

3 things i’m thinking post-project:

1) my heart is a little sad that miss twelve doesn’t want hers, she’s-so-over-giving-valentine’s. (junior high) … {i thought it would still be cute to give them to her besties…she disagrees.}
2) kj nearly refused to participate. would NOT sit in front of a pink background, so we used black. he also has these valentine’s to give out too,


homemade sea salt scrub

January 27, 2011

last month, our nanny tregan gave me the most divine body scrub for christmas. i am already a huge fan of oily-salty-scrubs, and this one tops them all as my favorite. plus, i just love that it’s homemade. i used up the jar tregan gave me lickety-split, so i’ve been dying to make more. my most-favorite-absolutely-love-it thing to do, is to use the body scrub in the shower/bath, then shave afterwards. oh my. my skin is so amazingly moisturized and smooth afterwards. it’s heaven!

simple recipe:
it’s pretty much a 1:1:1 ratio,

1 cup course sea salt
1 cup fine sea salt
1 cup oil
+ scented oils,



January 20, 2011

business cards!!!

at approximately 2pm today i had a thought,
“oh-my-gosh, i should have business cards for the design summit!”

so, after the grocery store, and a few other errands/activities with the kids…

i sat down to work.
i whipped these up at 5pm on illustrator,
sent them via www. to my favorite printer at 5:20pm,
drove over to pick them up, arriving at 5:45pm,
parked. paid {only eleven dollars!}.

and i feel officially ready for alt.!


{they are a wee bit hard to photograph because the paper is pearl, so it’s got a gorgeous shimmer to it.


my myla…

January 19, 2011

when she’s not creating something, she’s thinking about creating something.

when she’s not thinking about creating something, she’s probably playing tennis, futsol, soccer, reading, scheming, playing computer games/video games, or watching tv/movies.

though to be honest, even when she’s doing these other things, i think she’s still thinking about creating.


her latest artwork from art school:

i love this first picture, because as she’s shows me her reindeer, she’s wearing a tennis skirt/outfit, headed to tennis… my myla.

this month: her valentine’s heart is on display in our entry…

she’s currently working on a 3-leaf clover for st.


tradition. i obsess over traditions…

our annual thaanum {my moms-side-of-the-family} family christmas party.
the menu always changes, but the activity remains the same.

gingerbread houses!

{want a great item to put on your christmas list? add this!}

we love it around here,
and it was used again last weekend at the family party.

my secret-panini ingredient – this.


don’t question me.
add those stackers with muenster cheese…
and whatever else you love,
the combination makes panini’s magical.



ode to candy houses

December 14, 2010

…graham crackers, frosting, gum drops, peppermints, lifesaver gummies,

we love the fun you bring.

the creativeness you inspire…

i helped kj in his second grade class last week, with his candy house.

there are special moments kids will remember from their childhoods.
i hope kj remembers this. i hope he at least remembers the feeling.

my love for him. our excessive enthusiasm for the holidays.

i will remember every moment he leaned over and gave me a little snuggle love.
he has never cared where we are, or who is watching.
