homemade sea salt scrub

last month, our nanny tregan gave me the most divine body scrub for christmas. i am already a huge fan of oily-salty-scrubs, and this one tops them all as my favorite. plus, i just love that it’s homemade. i used up the jar tregan gave me lickety-split, so i’ve been dying to make more. my most-favorite-absolutely-love-it thing to do, is to use the body scrub in the shower/bath, then shave afterwards. oh my. my skin is so amazingly moisturized and smooth afterwards. it’s heaven!

simple recipe:
it’s pretty much a 1:1:1 ratio,

1 cup course sea salt
1 cup fine sea salt
1 cup oil
+ scented oils, the amount is personal preference for scent.

{of course, you can adjust this if you prefer it more salty/scrubby or more oily}

the grapeseed oil & salts can all be found at target or a local health food store.

the best part of whipping this up at home,
is how delicious your home smells once you start adding the scented oils!

my girls happily participated, taking turns, in the mixing…

i continued to add the 1/1/1 ratio mix, in much larger portions.
i multiplied it all by about 12. making a dozen jars of scrub.

i used my doterra oils for the scents. after mixing, i separated the scrub in to 3 mixing bowls, and made a batch of lavender, peppermint, and orange/lemon. the peppermint i had in mind for husband, he loves this kind of stuff too, but it definitely needs a more manly scent! and i mixed the orange/lemon just for fun, i love citrus.

tregan also did a very cute-clever thing at christmas where she wrapped her gifts in fabric. i loved it. so darling!

i have an old table cloth that i haven’t wanted to part with, so i’m using the fabric to wrap my jars. {i think they turned out really cute!}

these are one of the items i’ll be giving out as handmade gifts this year for besties, etc. i’m trying to get a little stock, so i’m always ready. i already passed out a few last week & i think i need to make another batch soon! plus, my daughters think they all need a big supply.

i haven’t figured out the price differences for making scrub homemade vs. buying it at the store…but, for sure, it’s more affordable homemade. I just don’t know the numbers yet.

* do you like sea salt scrubs? have a different recipe? oil preferences? please tell!

{one of my new years resolutions, is to give more homemade-handmade gifts}

8 responses to “homemade sea salt scrub”

  1. Oh, I love it!!! I think I'll have to make these very soon!!! Love your fabric wrapping and scent suggestions! I love Lavender/rosemary, grapefruit/ginger, and cranberry/orange combination! I wonder if I can find oils in those scents!

  2. So cute. Love the way your tablecloth looks on the jars! I made sugar scrubs for my friends at Christmas. I used granulated sugar and ground up candy canes in my magic bullet then added peppermint oil and olive oil. SOOOOO yummy! And they were cute and pink with red specks from the candy canes:)

  3. ew, i must must try this!! my body loves these body scrubs. I'm still addicted to the one you told me about years ago… "need a margarita" i want to smell this soooo bad.

    love this idea!

  4. Ohhh… I've never wanted a winter birthday until now! Please, oh please can my birthday get here faster?!? 😉

  5. I LOVE this! What a fun idea! I have a bestie with a bday this week…I'm totally making this for her! Thanks! 🙂

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