diy: chandelier

March 26, 2011

have you ever seen the ‘west elm’ capiz pendant lamp? well, it’s magnificent.

and, my friend susan made a chandelier for only $9.00 that is very comparable using this tutorial,
and it turned out beautiful! like, your jaw hits the floor, shockingly-beautiful!

then {then!} as we all oooo’d and ahhhhh’d over the $9 chandelier, susan offered to have a craft night where we all got together, and made an assembly line to finish a few of them as a group!

here’s our big night {at my house} ~

my thoughts post-project:

  • i am obsessed with how my chandelier turned out –


in the hunt for something green for st. patty’s day for each kiddo,
{note: the green needed to be somewhat original…}

i could not find anything i was super-pleased with for myla.

so, last night, i took this basic green tee,
found one of my old tank tops,
and went to work…

i loved the color, polka-dots, and lace trim on this tank,
so i trimmed it off—

with five minutes of basic hand-stitches, i gathered & stitched on a little trim
to the neckline. very very easy {and…sewing is not my strongest skill. believe me.}

i used the white polka-dots to hide my stitches.


1. my art room
2. creating spaces for my kids to create
3. organizing with a rainbow theme

this was a very easy, fun project. and it was spurred by my myla.
she wanted to organize the markers by color, so we rounded up all the small vases/jars we had already – and voila!

rainbow happiness.

i hope all my kids will have a passion for creating. for crafting. for painting. for writing. for designing. for making something out of nothing. because no matter what else is going on in life, no matter where they are, creativity provides so much happiness and confidence.


balloon invitations.

February 23, 2011

some big plans are underway for my oldest daughter this weekend.
she is going from twelve —-to—-thirteen!

we are going to have a teenager!!!

very soon.

using inspiration from ‘On Hand + Modern’ here,
i put together these balloon invitations with kiana’s assistance,
and she delivered them last week.

i designed a business-card size invitation, and had them printed on the pearl paper i am obsessed with. we are planning her party with a color theme…

the colors are: gold, silver {grey}, cream, and peach. and bows. and stripes.



February 10, 2011

my kids have been sharing cold symptoms for three-weeks now.

i’ve taken three of them to our pediatrician, and i’ve been told three times,
they have colds.

fevers. sore throats. head aches. tummy aches.

occasionally, i catch myself day dreaming about sunny days, our swimming pool, and flip flops.

and by occasionally, i mean frequently.

when i look at these pictures by the-ever-talented-vanessa

i can’t believe our grass was ever that green.

we have flowers that grow in pots, on our patio?

we have sand that is warm to the touch?

we have barefeet outside?


love is in the air…

February 6, 2011

i don’t go crazy with decorations for valentine’s day,
almost nothing compared to christmas.
but i like to have a few accents here and there,
to keep things festive with my kiddos.

after all, we are celebrating our love.

my pot rack in the kitchen and my chalkboard wall have become my favorite spots to decorate this past year ~

{…take some baker’s twine & heart doilies, and you can create a very inexpensive garland.}

i am proud of myself for keeping things simple, this valentine’s day.
trying really hard to keep with my resolutions.
