done. done. done.

June 25, 2009

{big sigh}

for eight weeks. no more school, no more projects, no more tests…

i am going to play, play, play, with my family {and friends!}

and sleep. lots.

yesterday, i finished my art history from the renaissance class. we ended with a two-and-a-half hour essay final. i think all went fabulous.
{after staying up all night to study!}

and, I wrapped up my last 2d design class. we ended with a final assignment and a final in-class project. i had to “graffiti” a train. my kind of final!

here is an overview of most my 2d-design projects from the past seven weeks…


we have lots of fun plans, and very disappointingly won’t be able to make it to the chalk art festival at the gateway but we went last year and loved it!

if you are in the salt lake city area, you don’t want to miss it on friday or saturday! i like going on saturday to see all the finished chalk art!


friday evening, you will find us at:

Center Stage Performing Arts Studio
Dance Company Showcase
Last time to see the numbers being competed at nationals!


say it ain’t so…

June 15, 2009

scotty turned the big 4-0!

this past weekend, we celebrated scotty’s 40 years at the bellagio in vegas, thank you for letting us join you. we truly cherish your friendship. and we warmly wish you many many more wonderful years to come –

you are truly one of the dearest. xoxo.

“it’s all for you…baby”

chris/suz/birthday boy
suz/me/brittneythe birthday dinner-one waitress asked if this was all a joke?!?
she said, “there’s no way he’s 40!”

thank goodness for awesome dancers!



May 29, 2009

my girls have finished their second year of art school. in february they both needed to take a picture to art to start their new pieces and kiana and myla decided together to both take a picture of their younger brother and sister…

after hours, and hours, and hours, the results –

i have the original pictures posted so you can see what they used as a reference

myla did a pastel of kj~

and kiana did a pastel of sela~

i absolutely love them! they are now hanging in our home, and maybe one day kj and sela will do art pieces of their older sisters…and I will have a complete collection.



April 30, 2009
my photography class has come to an end. so sad. I absolutely loved it. I hope to be friends with my teacher forever. she is so cool. Working with film, in a dark room, was such a new experience. On every assignment I took the pictures, developed the film, and made the prints all by myself. so cool. Here is an overview of the past four months-

texture/urban streets
on my urban streets assignment, if you know salt lake city very well –
I was standing on the small island in the middle of state street just south of 500 south, on a January night…it was snowing, freezing cold, and kinda crazy. I totally had an alibi ready if a police officer told me to get out of the street!



April 30, 2009

also came to an end today. I wasn’t quite as sad to be done with drawing as I was with photography. At times, drawing was a bit more challenging for me. Especially when it came to people. Drawing other people, drawing myself, geeessh! difficult. to say the very east.

I feel like I can draw most still life pretty well. But, I was very very proud of this-because I didn’t draw it! my teacher did…she’s pretty good, eh?!?

But, purely for your entertainment, I will share my final project/self-portrait with you…Luckily my kids all think I am amazing at drawing, when they saw this I received,
