Myla’s 3rd grade class had their annual school program today. It was based on early American history, and was packed full of American pride. Mrs. Jensen, their new teacher was amazing. She played the piano the entire program while directing her students! great multi-tasking! The girls all sewed their own hats in class for part of their costumes, during math they had to measure the circles correctly, etc. Myla’s class did great and as always I loved watching it!After the program KJ, Livi, and Hayes were running around on the stage – they used the props to do their own show!



April 2, 2009

the Maori name for New Zealand, land of the long white cloud…

The 5th and 6th graders combined this year at Ivy hall and did their annual program together. This turned out to be such an awesome experience for Kiana. Her teacher, Ms. Shumway is from New Zealand so not only for the program but all year Kiana has been learning about her heritage. Dusty’s Dad {a.k.a. papa} is from New Zealand, and we hope to make a family trip there with him this next winter. New Zealand summer. Dusty and I {pre-kids} went to visit the Northern island of New Zealand and the 15 aunts/uncles Dusty has who reside there with endless cousins. Our trip was about 12 years ago…


report time.

April 1, 2009

Kiana has been studying the civil war at school, and each student has been focusing on different events during the war. Kiana had “the battle at antietam.” She has spent the last week working on her display board, and did it all by herself. She died vaseline blue for her river and has the confederates fighting the union across the river. i loved it! good work bear!
Kiana also had a book report due, this month her class could choose a book of their own choice and she chose “shug.” Her class made posters this month. You can’t really tell from the picture, but she made 3-D letters very adorable with glitter…Myla’s class read mystery books this month and she read,


geography fair

March 20, 2009

KJ’s kindergarten class did a class project –
they have been participating in a postcard exchange across America and had a class display showing where the cards were sent to and received from.

KJ said he did South Carolina!
Myla chose Washington State – {to make her momma proud}

did you know the state fossil is a woolly mammoth? She had mammoth coloring sheets for the taking, along with Washington apple chips!
Kiana, with her Maori blood beating strong, chose New Zealand.
{to make her papa proud}

Because there are 4 million people and 60 million sheep {approximately}, she covered her display board with mini sheep…and had “RJ’s natural licorice”


dr. seuss day

March 4, 2009

Dr. Seuss’s birthday is March 2nd {he was born in 1904}, but my kids celebrated “dr. seuss day” at school yesterday on the 3rd with hat day and a read-a-thon.

I helped kick-off the festivities in each of their classes. First I gave everyone a “dr. seuss” hat, it was officially “hat” day so some kids chose to wear their own, but the seuss hats added to the fun. I read, “Fox in Sox,” and at times had the kids help me read the book. It cracked me up hearing them laugh at each other trying to say the tongue twisters. I had a few kids who said, “I don’t get this at all, this story doesn’t make any sense!”


Kiana had her birthday party in class at school today. She requested krispy kreme donuts and we played a little game. Sela came along, and helped Kiana pass out the hats, etc. Sela loves being in her older siblings classrooms.
kiana’s 5th grade class-there are only 11 students!

We played a totally traditional baby shower game, I sneaked around Kiana’s bedroom and bathroom after she went to school today and chose 11 items {11th birthday} to represent her on this tray. By the way, I just covered the bottom of the tray in a piece of cute wrapping paper to make it a bit snazzier. I let each kid look at the items for about five seconds then when I took it out of the room,
