bowling for dollars

November 2, 2008

One of the best qualities about my husband is that he’s a party animal.

Literally non-stop.

He planned a group date night tonight that was killer fun.

We had dinner at “Spark,” a new restaurant in Provo.
Then we went bowling…


But, everything you do with Dusty has a twist to it.

so, it was not just any bowling,



November 1, 2008

It all started with the kids going to school in their costumes…

I went to help with each {3} of the parties around 1pm. Sela went along and party-hopped the entire afternoon. If I ever couldn’t find her, she had simply found another sibling and joined them in their classroom.

First, I stopped into Kiana’s class. Kiana was a witch this year. Actually, Kiana, Myla, and I were all witches and Sela was our little black cat. Our family was divided by the sexes. The girls were witches/black cat and the boys were Transformers.

Kiana’s class required the least amount of hands-on help, big kids are so cool and all, they’re really not into activities as much.


happy birthday shannon!

October 31, 2008

We had lunch for Shannon’s birthday, a day early, since Halloween is a bit crazy for Momma’s.

I love Shannon. She is such an incredible woman, loyal friend, and has the sweetest soul. And, she’s the most competitive person I have ever known. Which makes everything with her a riot!

Have a wonderful day! {{{HUGS}}}

Back Row L to R
{me, Crew, Lacey, baby Vinny (hiding), Tasha, Roxy}
Front Row
{Jenn, Kara, Caryn, Mindy, Daphne, Cynthia, Shannon}



October 24, 2008

Dusty and I have always felt that we totally lucked out with the most incredible neighborhood and the most incredible right next door neighbors. We could not have asked for any family more perfect to be right out our front door. Janette hosted bunco this month, and made everything so delicious and perfect!I love spending one evening a month with these women! We do have trouble concentrating on the game at times, we can get a wee bit chatty!
{Daphne/Bethani/Shannon & Ivy/Janette/Cynthia/Susan/Jenn/me}


new blogger on the block

October 19, 2008

our really good friends Matt & Kathy came into town this weekend and surprised us with a 2-day visit! Of course, I had to have Kathy create a blog while she was here…i hope she will keep posting when they return home so I can keep tabs on their family! We love these guys! It was so fun visiting with them, we go way back to our Korea days with these two. We met while we were all newlyweds teaching English in Korea. Wow, that was almost 13 years ago. crazy. Our kids had so much fun running around playing and Kathy and I stayed busy making flower hair clips, and starting the new blog! It was a great Red sox day…we headed over to our favorite tail-gating restaurant and had sushi during the first few innings of the game.


Selabration #2

October 3, 2008

Our little cupcake turned TWO today!

We spoiled her rotten all day, and enjoyed every second of it!

the party…
Sela’s very own cupcake cake: Selabration #2!

musical chairs
{I love kiana’s hair & motion in this picture}

pin the tail on the donkey-
Kiana was giving Sela instructions on where the tail goes…
{for the little-little kids it was an option to use the blind fold!}

Kiana was right by Sela’s side or holding her the entire party,
