*thank you…

to everyone who helped us with the yard sale! we had help carrying items from in the house to outside; pricing items; setting up the yard sale signs we got from somewhere like Super Cheap Signs; taking pictures; help with adding up people item’s and collecting the cash; help cleaning up; help carrying items to people trucks; and on and on and on!

*thank you to everyone who bought our stuff! we had two-days of complete chaos + complete success!

*thank you to our neighbors who were very very patient with the huge traffic jams in our neighborhood.

with everything said and done, we feel like we are one more big step closer to our move. and, for all of you who have asked – we will be leaving at the end of June/early July.

my little cardboard cash register did a great job and now my kiddos are very excited to be playing with it!   sela’s lemonade/macaron stand was the highlight of the weekend for our little miss four!  she loved having a real shop!  and, we even sold the lemonade stand!  *bonus!*  if you are local and looking for yummy macarons – ours came from ‘le petit macaron’ and they have a blog you can contact them through, here.

we repurposed grandma pat’s frappuccino bottles for the lemonade glasses. they are a very affordable milk-glass-replacement! you can also use this idea, here, for cute goodies in the same bottles! {i’m thinking about doing those candy bottles for christmas treats this year.}

ok. i know i mention pinterest all the time. but i really can’t get over how much i love it & how inspiring it is! if you have tried to register & it doesn’t allow you to… let me know, and i can send you an invite. this lemonade stand was the inspiration for mine, and also – target has the best {really affordable} lemonade stand items right now! you can find the banner we used for $1.50 in their seasonal items , and the money box + so many more items are available!

plus: bex’s little mister – the handsome blue-eyed max!

our moosey. she and kj were not big fans of the yard sale crowds. but, every once in a while she made a cameo appearance to help with the cash register or lemonade stand. we rarely spotted kj, he stayed inside for most of the weekend till it was all over! he was very happy when his friends came to shop, but came inside for a little xbox time!

moi & lu. i tried to take advantage of “friends & family night” to give everyone i love one final big squeeze. if you came to our yard sale & i didn’t get a chance to see you/talk to you/squeeze you – here’s big virtual {{{HUGS}}}

there were moments at the yard sale that got a little crazy – our neighborhood also has a ‘parade of home’ {see here} right now & on friday night – we thought the sale would be casual and fun with just friends & family – but because of the cars/traffic near our home – some people THOUGHT our home was the parade home, and we had a HUGE crowd at times. Which, was good in the end – because we sold so much stuff – but, at one point, i caught a strange old man walking through our home and i had to run in and explain to him that he couldn’t just walk through our home! he said, “oh! i thought that was what we were supposed to do!” eeeks!

also: the darling brunette on the right is our esthetician. {my girls and i are going to really miss her!} she has the adorable blog, “::pack:: of fixations” here. she and her husband have a new-business-venture taking off right now. and trust me, you want what she’s making!

heather is a darling friend, who was a fabulous shopper at the sale!!! we discovered how we were connected between her older sis and other people this year & it’s been so fun getting to know her better.

if you are looking for a blog-makeover, i cannot recommend this girl enough! she has sick kills with design and layout. check out ‘heather rita’s sweet shop, here!

bodie & bella. bella is a little bestie of sela’s. with names like sela & bella, they were destined to be friends! plus, we always call sela… “sela-bella!”

they were cute little lemonade-stand helpers.

bex – moi – shelby {and shelby’s l’il jane}
shelby is the owner of the local shop soel, that i can’t mention enough! this past week i won a $100 gift certificate to soel, i have a feeling it was their very nice way of bidding me farewell. ::winks::
it is my favorite place to shop – ever! and…
i kinda dream about owning a shop like that some day… maybe in boston!
{love these women!}

i absolutely love this picture. oh man, it’s precious. this is kiana with her three very-very-best-friends. these girls are golden.

bex came to the yard sale with her camera-in-hand to document the event for me. and, these pictures have been so fun to see after-the-exhaustion-of-it-all! she is still one of the best photographers i know, i always love her style of shooting. check out her blog, here. {and then, schedule a shoot with her!}

***DAY TWO***

we were up & going very early, after very little sleep.

bex was a two-day trooper! she even brought me diet coke at 9am on day two! it is one of the only things that kept me going…
she was also great at filling in for sela when she went missing from her stand!

you can see by this picture – the crowds were less & the stuff was too, on day two.

my mom & sister were non-stop busy at the cash register for two days –
i have no idea how we would have pulled off this yard sale without them!

and now, our life slows down just a bit. the yard sale was by far our biggest-moving-project!
we are mostly-packed, it’s crazy seeing our home without all of the rugs, pictures, furniture, etc.
it really shows that a house is just a shell to the love that thrives here. we create the home.
and, our next home will become another nest for us.

just the last items we are still using will slowly get packed the next couple of weeks.
and, we are planning mini-going-away parties for each kiddo.

…a little more work and lots more play before we go!


30 responses to “*thank you…”

  1. what a great sale! that is how everyone should do it, take notes people. jane was the most organized person. i had such a great time this weekend… and you know we are besties when i go and get you a diet coke and im on day 5 of no caffeine/carbonation. brutal. muah!

  2. Hey Jane,
    Thanks for all your fun post & good luck with your move…love those new adventures:) You have a beautiful family – keep up the great work!!
    Love ya:)

  3. Wow! What a great looking yard sale! Awesome ideas! Garage sales in Wisconsin are nothing like this! 🙂

  4. Holy moly I have never seen that many people at a garage sale! Everytime we move I tell my husband that I would love to sell everything and start over! Good luck with everything the next few weeks!

  5. This is a yardsale I wish I could have went to! Can’t wait to see the kids going-away parties. I know they will be awesome!!!!

  6. Oh my – what a successful garage sale! I love the pictures of the crowds. And that is the cutest lemonade stand ever! I bet you guys are glad that’s over. Looks like a ton of work!

  7. WOW! That is a yard sale for the records! Great job. How could anyone resist Sela’s lemonade stand?? super cute.

  8. I totally teared up when I came, I’m getting really sad. I’m glad it was a success you are amazing and thank you! I didn’t even get to see the lemonade stand cause of all the people crowded around it, bummer.

  9. Wow! I will miss your blog. I hope there will be a way to still see all of your creative ideas. They are the absolute best! On behalf of my friends, family and students – Thank you! Good Luck with you new adventures.

  10. What a fun, organized yard sale. Just wanted to let you
    Know how much I enjoy your blog. I thank you for everything I’ve learned from you and wish you and your family the best of luck as you spread your wings.

  11. what a yard sale! i’m so sad i missed it, knowing how amazing your house is. i’m excited for you and your boston adventure!

  12. That looks fantastic! So glad it was a success for you guys! The 15th is fast approaching so if I don’t get the chance to say it… Have a wonderful time in Boston. I’ll miss hearing about your adventures but I truly wish you and your family all the best!

    – Natasha

  13. Awesome Sale Jane! Looks like you sold tons of great things and got to visit with a lot of your friends too! Huge Success!! I have wanted to ask you, for a long time, you always have great family pictures or night out pics with your friends and YOU are always in them … do use a timer or have a stranger take your picture? I love how YOU are always included in the photos! Something that I have been trying to make sure I do, now! Thanks Jane!
    ~ Sheri Bowers

  14. love your pictures of the yard sale…wish we could have come Fri. night to get “the good stuff” but I got some games for the grandkids and the bestest part was visiting with Dusty and meeting you!…even in all of the “chaos and customers pulling you here and there” you were so gracious and friendly and made everyone feel welcome and important to you. Heavens you two are people magnets and it seems everyone wants a piece of you including me….HUGS

  15. {jane}-
    nice job and so successful. you’re probably the only person i know who could make a garage sale seem like the best event in town:) minnesotan’s are in full garage sale season and i’ve never run across something like yours!
    best to you and your family!

  16. Hey Jane! Awesome yard sale! I friend told me about your blog and I have to say that it is as awesome as she said it was! What great ideas you have! That lemonade stand is so stinkin cute! Good luck with the move 🙂

  17. Now that is the kind of yardsale I would like to find! Nothing like that here in AZ!! I just realized tomorrow is the 15th and wanted you to know how much I have enjoyed stopping in to view your awesome world of family, amazing party ideas, crafts and your love of life! Good luck to you and your sweet family as you move on to your next chapter of life;)

  18. Hi Jane! Lovely to meet you. Thanks for letting me tag-a-long with the lovely Kelly Pack. I looove my new (old) cookbook. The yard sale was so much fun. I just love your blog and all your great DIY projects. You are an inspiration!

  19. It was nice to meet you at the yard sale. Best of luck to you and your family on your new adventure!

    Kelli Lovell Barton

  20. I am sad I didn’t get to come. I am not coming to visit Utah until next month. Dangit! I love that little lemonade stand. So cute.

  21. Jane – I LOVE the navy and white table cloth … where did you find it? I have been searching and searching!!!

    • hey Mesha. My navy and white table cloth is just fabric from IKEA. i haven’t even bothered to hem it! {don’t judge!}

  22. Addison about an hour after we walked home on Friday night, “mommy, is it okay to take other people’s clothes?”. Probably should have explained the whole yard sale concept better to my four year old. It truly was an event to behold! Major props!

  23. Did you sell or are you renting your beautiful home? By chance are we lucky enough to keep learning from you and a not so private blog? It has truly been a pleasure reading all your fun ideas. Good luck!

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