in 22 hours…

December 14, 2010

i will breathe a huge sigh of relief.

this semester will be finished.

can. not. wait.

two weeks ago, i turned in a beast of a term paper.
it was a museum project for my upper division art history class.

the longest paper i have ever written.
i thought end notes & research sources were going to be the death of me!

we were required to assemble an entire museum exhibition, with endless details.
i chose to focus on party themes in art {of course!}

i titled the exhibition “partyARTstyle,” and focused on all types of things like bacchanals, masks in art,


creativity ignites

December 3, 2010

it comes with the season. winter. when it gets cold outside, and our fireplace is going, and the holidays are near, and gift-giving is in the air, and my mind sets loose…

i want to create.

all. the. time.

i have to fight my mind to control the ballistic-approach it wants to take.

for example, i would like to forget all responsibility, and just create.
around the clock.

like a mad-woman.

but, alas, i have to contain myself to some degree. because, there are kids. four kids to be exact, who want to eat. and have their hair styled. and need help with homework. and they need rides to everywhere under the moon.


2011 calendar

November 22, 2010

…my latest project:
{front cover}

{a glimpse at a few of the monthly pages}

{and, the back cover}

available in my etsy shop, here.

i would just be thrilled if i could mass produce this little beauty of mine.

are any of you friends with people in high places…like an ikea buyer?
maybe ikea would like a few thousand of these calendars…?

it’s 7″x12″
printed on natural 110 pound paper. {think double card stock thick, it’s nice.}
very fresh.


flashback friday

October 22, 2010
halloween, 1997.

fred & wilma flintstone.
the first halloween we dressed up, together.

dusty & i were living in seoul, south korea.
we were in charge of planning an adults-only halloween party
for our branch {church} there.

{we took polaroids of all the couples!}

…i made our costumes, by finding all the supplies in local markets,
hand-sewing, and hot glue.

i made a stencil & used spray paint to make husbands fred flintstone shirt.

i think i’m about to lose my wig in the picture…
and, i’m six months pregnant with our first baby girl, only,
we didn’t know if it was a boy or girl…


owl smores

October 21, 2010
…i saw this adorable idea here, and couldn’t resist.

we had to try it!

…you can imagine the laughter when the kids’ owls
were mis-shaped after microwaving them!
we didn’t follow the instructions very well,
you need to cut the marshmellows in HALF,
that would help with the major distortion!


punkins…and more

October 20, 2010

we are a little ahead of schedule this year for halloween festivities,
because our life is going to be packed with so many other adventures
the next few weeks {or months}…

this past weekend…

we carved punkins…
we played mr. potato head with our punkins,
we made rice krispies haunted houses,
we made caramel apples {the easy way},
we went boo-ing…

we had our annual family halloween dinner,
we made skull-candy necklaces…
and more!

life is good…

{still lovin’ warty punkins!}

we indulged in sweets all weekend,
