hello.  i am starting this week late due to our windy visitor, sandy.  we made all the proper preparations for her visit – and right on queue sunday evening i received a text from our local police station saying, school has been cancelled monday due to the hurricane… instantly a school night became a three-day weekend…

so… we put on our rain gear and went to a late movie!

{we went to see chasing mavericks – have you seen it???}

it just so happens husband was on his way home from the philippines and scheduled to land in Boston today. the airport was closed so he chose to be re-routed to Salt Lake City and is working from his offices there till we hope he can come home on Wednesday for Halloween.


BonLook :: giveaway

October 26, 2012

i have a number of fun giveaways lined up within the next couple of months. ’tis the season for gift-giving!

today, let’s get started with a lovely gift from a new seejaneblog affiliate, BonLook. a hip fashion and vision boutique specializing in eye wear for men and women. {and, let me add: kids – because my kids keep swiping my glasses!}

lookie, lookie! BonLook is giving away a $50.00 gift certificate to put towards a pair of prescription or vanity glasses to one lucky seejaneblog reader.

i’m wearing the marlowe crystal glasses and i’m obsessed with them.


our spooky home…

October 25, 2012

i am going to keep this post quick but passionate. because i feel like as i look through my posts lately, i’ve been wordy.


think midnight caffeine-induced-spooky-home-tour ramble.

ready? go…

{i handcut bandnit masks for our cherubs out of black construction paper. naughty little babes.}

{these haunted houses – make me smile.}

{that giraffe?! darling, right???}

from now till the end of the year, it’s blessed madness… starting with sunlight that fades around 5:30pm. i started stocking apple cider (for my myla –


partners in mime costume

October 24, 2012

let me begin by saying – sela went through a ‘hula’ stage earlier this year, and then became obsessed with mime’s.  i have no idea why. she would ask me to find videos online for her to watch, and then i’d catch her practicing her mime moves around the house. it just killed me with cuteness.

so, sometime in august when i asked her if she had any idea what she wanted to be for halloween, it was totally appropriate when she said, a mime! {a better choice than hula girl for the weather this time of year!}

she loved acting like a mime + my girl has a serious fetish for black and white stripes!


candy bandits costume

October 23, 2012

Are you ready for halloween? Are you dressing-up this year? Have you chosen a costume? you have eight days to decide!!! this year our kids are divided 2:2 in costumes.  however, our color scheme coordinates with both costume ideas which i think turned out pretty rad.  {i’ll show you our second homemade costume idea tomorrow.}

If you are dressing up and need last minute ideas, both of these costumes could easily be thrown together with items you may already have in your closet! or, if you need to purchase a few items – they are all items (black jeans, black hoodie, black chuck tailors} you can adapt into your wardrobe after the holiday. {bonus!}

since my kids are getting older —


DIY pom pom bookmarks

October 22, 2012

i have been on holiday overdrive these days. why? well, for one – the gifts we {it’s a family effort this year} are making for a few of our friends & family this year needs to be delivered the end of november, so i’m trying to keep us on schedule to get everything handmade and finished by then!

have you started holiday shopping?  are you looking gift ideas? here’s one of ours…

click over to design mom for the full do-it-yourself tutorial.  {some of you might get a few of these wrapped with a big bow under your tree this year!}

happy holiday crafting!  
