DIY pom pom bookmarks

i have been on holiday overdrive these days. why? well, for one – the gifts we {it’s a family effort this year} are making for a few of our friends & family this year needs to be delivered the end of november, so i’m trying to keep us on schedule to get everything handmade and finished by then!

have you started holiday shopping?  are you looking gift ideas? here’s one of ours…

click over to design mom for the full do-it-yourself tutorial.  {some of you might get a few of these wrapped with a big bow under your tree this year!}

happy holiday crafting!  xo.

9 responses to “DIY pom pom bookmarks”

  1. Oh Jane! I am totally going to make these! Darling…

    I’m trying to do a lot of handmade gifts this year as well…thanks for sharing!


  2. Hi Jane ! Thank you for your comment on my blog. I’d love to have a cup of coffee and macarons with you if you actually come to spend a few days in Paris in April! I do live in the city! That would be so fun to meet! Btw if you need anything while planning your stay in Paris (places to stay, places to see, transportation…) do not hesitate to email me at daphnesophie.moreau[arobase], I’d be glad to help!
    PS : I love the idea of pom pom bookmarks, they would make such cute gifts!

  3. Jane-My daughter Ellie keeps trying to make these but she is having a hard time getting it to where it is tight and you don’t see the middle. Do you have any suggestions?

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