…those are all the styles/feelings/words i had in mind when i briefly redecorated our home for November. not to offend thanksgiving {or any of you!}, but i’ve never been a big fan of traditional thanksgiving/fall/november decor. maybe this is why i like to go straight from halloween decor to christmas. ???

although we have one christmas tree up, i still wanted to focus on the month feeling cozy, and natural. a very inviting home. with a neutral color palette.

so, i kept things very simple. using pine cones, birch logs, plants, furry blankets, and… more pine cones. take a look:

a few of these items you can add to your homes by one walk in nature,


DIY: pine cone flowers

November 7, 2012

lately, i have been craving a feeling of modern-simplicity in our home. {think: southern california} i’ve always loved a modern atmosphere, but lately i am clearing things out to really make it happen. you would think it was spring, not fall. also, i’ve been thinking ahead for thanksgiving dinner, i wanted something as a centerpiece for the table that fit this same criteria. my myla and i headed outdoors to be inspired and after all was done, this is what i came up with:

i also plan on putting a few of the pine cone flowers in mason jars around our house – i think that would be perfect in little spots here and there.


every once in a while i will be doing something in my typical beauty routine and think, does everyone do this? does everyone know this?  and then realize… it’s too good not to share!

i like painting my nails. for me, it’s relaxing. and it makes me feel a bit more polished! the trick is actually finding a little chunk of time to polish my nails and let them dry without the paint being embedded with sheet prints.

i go through moody trends when choosing what color i want on my nails – sometimes deep dark blues, purples, orangey reds, bright pinks but most often i crave the perfect pale pink. finding the perfect pink can be hard.


a hip handmade holiday

November 5, 2012

happy monday friends! today, i am sharing with you a gold-mine of holiday crafting goodness. were you a seejaneblog reader back when i made the capiz-shell inspired chandelier??? my friend susan peterson and i hosted the craft night for that at my home in utah, and finished somewhere in the hours of 2 or 3am… anyway, that same gal + another crafty friend of mine Alison have partnered with another crafty friends husband {are you following me?} and put together the bomb of all holiday books!

a hip handmade holiday, by the craft pack! clever. these gals are so clever. i have been watching behind the scenes for the past six months while this was being created,
