as some may know (and many may not), the shops at the riverwoods is under new ownership, and is undergoing extensive remodeling. some businesses have left, which has slightly broken my heart…but it has opened the door for a variety of new businesses to come in.

one such business i’m quite excited for is la jolla groves (pronounced la hoya), the newest riverwoods restaurant. it’s been open for about a month, and i’ve been three times to dine there now!

the owners, blake roney, steve hasler and kent anderson (the chef at la jolla, and also the owner of chef’s table in orem), are bringing orem/provo its very own year-round farmer’s market!

you see,


LACMA & more…

July 21, 2010

miss twelve. miss twelve is a light in my life that i have always dreamed of…

she has me thoroughly convinced that she prefers hanging out with me over her friends. she has me thoroughly convinced that she highly values my opinions about what she should wear, what color she should buy when shopping for clothing etc, my opinion about how her hair looks, how she should style it, what tastes good…she truly values my opinions about all things. and, she has me convinced that my opinion out-numbers anyone else.

i may have mentioned this before, but miss twelve rarely if ever talks back.


girls night out…

July 5, 2010
i was either laughing till my stomach hurt…

eating till my stomach hurt…

or, my stomach just hurt.

i have a herniated belly-button, which is ridiculous,
and one of these days i gotta just get it fixed, because it flares up at the worst of times!

as far as this is concerned…

dear bella,
just pick Girl, just pick the werewolf now so we can all go home!

jacob is ‘hotter’


denver polaroids

May 10, 2010
  • we treated ourselves to ‘cherry on top’ for the first time & loved it!
  • kiana started phase 2 of braces right before our denver trip. she’ll be sporting them for the next 6-9 months.
  • jcrew, i love. crewcuts. one of my favorite children’s clothing lines.
  • elways. love their bbq chicken sliders.


we have had such a great time meeting up with friends & family lately…

we love visitors to utah!

meet the Bartholomew’s, minus a few of them…

this is Dusty’s aunt & uncle, nadine & david.

they have six girls and two twins boys, all adults now.

all dusty’s favorite cousins. {sorry to offend any relatives out there.}

i mentioned here that Dusty ran away from home when he was sixteen years old.

not his finest hour.

but can you blame him?

he was being raised on a ranch in southern nevada &
