this is how my brain works…
our wheatgrass is oughtta control!
since taking this picture, it has DOUBLED in height!
my friend shannon just went on an awesome trip to maui,
and while her family was there, she and our other friend had an egg hunt on the beach
for the kids at NIGHT! they gave them flashlights to use… how fun & hip is that?!?
this has totally inspired me for this year…
{shhhh…on the down-low…}
rumor is: the easter bunny may be coming late saturday night in these parts.
the egg hunting will be done outside, in the dark!
this causes tremendous amounts of happiness…
1. my art room
2. creating spaces for my kids to create
3. organizing with a rainbow theme
this was a very easy, fun project. and it was spurred by my myla.
she wanted to organize the markers by color, so we rounded up all the small vases/jars we had already – and voila!
rainbow happiness.
i hope all my kids will have a passion for creating. for crafting. for painting. for writing. for designing. for making something out of nothing. because no matter what else is going on in life, no matter where they are, creativity provides so much happiness and confidence.
the education of little tree.
on thursday evening, i hosted a book club at my home. {i think we could also be dubbed, “eating club.” lol!} this past month we read, ‘the education of little tree‘ by forrest carter which was my book choice. the book itself offers a perspective of life as a cherokee indian boy {named – little tree} being raised by his grandparents during the depression. i tend to be drawn to books that offer any perspective i haven’t considered – be it cultural, a different time period, etc.
most everyone liked the book – we just need to do a little research now to find out which events/happenings are based on fact & what is fictional…
twenty eleven.
i have big big plans for you, twenty eleven…
husband and i were chatting last week, and while he was mentioning goals for 2011 in regards to his company, he mentioned this quote…
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. ~Albert Einstein
these seventeen words sent my mind in a whirlwind.
thrilling excitement.
how often i find myself doing the same thing, over and over and over, and waiting for improvement in so many categories of my life.
how many thousands of situps can i do, and expect my stomach to be flat?