myla’s birthday party

December 20, 2008

the invitations-
the winter storm that blew in just before it was time for the party to start-
some of the guests, and the entertainment for the party were stuck in traffic & snow on bad roads so instead of doing:

we did:

Our cake was from the sweet tooth fairy, a bakery that will be opening soon in Provo. Our friend Jimmy from college, it is his sister who owns the bakery. Megan Faulkner Brown. She is a doll, and the cake was goodilicious!



school christmas parties

December 20, 2008

Our kids’ school finished the 2008 school year with a pajama day!
They were also let out early at 11:30 am after a morning filled with Christmas parties.

KJ’s class had so many fun activities. Mrs. Harken {a.k.a. mrs. sweetie pie} is always incredible. They had a present exchange, colored fuzzy christmas pictures, had lots of treats, and decorated gingerbread houses.

My friend RoxAnna and I helped out with the ginerbread houses-
My friend Jenn planned the 3rd grade class party, and it was an INCREDIBLE party! The 3rd graders came into the gym and watched “the snowman vs. santa” in 3D. Then they had a cookie and hot cocoa buffet.


all i want for christmas…

December 18, 2008

sitting on santa’s lap was serious business for KJ.
He needed to make sure santa knew what he wanted.

the list was:
a big race track
with 9 hot wheels cars {all in ONE pack.} that’s what he said.
more transformers

Myla asked for “anything” and then after a little more persuasion for suggestions from santa she came up with “a snowboard.”

{hmmm, santa hasn’t been able to convince her to take snowboarding lessons this year and did not really plan on this…}

kiana. she was a good sport to sit on santa’s lap long enough for me to take a picture,


christmas around the world

December 5, 2008

I chaperoned for all my kids’ field trip this morning to
Christmas around the world, a very entertaining show performed at the BYU Marriott center by the BYU folk dancers.
While we were walking into the Marriott center, Myla spotted our neighbor and her good friend Elizabeth. They both attend different private schools and I thought it was fun to get a quick picture of them both in their school dresses.
Myla and some of her other girlfriends from school-
The show for the elementary schools is only one hour and they do dances that represent about 8 countries during that time. Of course, the Philippines was totally our favorite.


counting down…

December 3, 2008

The advent calendars are underway!
I found these really fun LEGO calendars this year.
KJ has an awesome boy-themed one and Myla has the total set-up in our pantry for her girl themed set.
By the time Christmas comes they will both have LEGO Christmas villages.
One of my dear friends also gave each of our kids their own chocolate advent calendars, so we are sure not to miss Christmas!There’s a good chance Sela will have all of hers eaten long before Santa’s big day!
