geography fair

March 20, 2009

KJ’s kindergarten class did a class project –
they have been participating in a postcard exchange across America and had a class display showing where the cards were sent to and received from.

KJ said he did South Carolina!
Myla chose Washington State – {to make her momma proud}

did you know the state fossil is a woolly mammoth? She had mammoth coloring sheets for the taking, along with Washington apple chips!
Kiana, with her Maori blood beating strong, chose New Zealand.
{to make her papa proud}

Because there are 4 million people and 60 million sheep {approximately}, she covered her display board with mini sheep…and had “RJ’s natural licorice”


activity days

March 18, 2009

i needed to visit an art gallery for extra credit in my drawing class, so this week the activity day girls and I headed to the –

uvu woodbury art museum.

conveniently located near Nordstrom at University mall. If you have not been there, and you are interested… it has it’s own entrance, you walk in the doors, to the left, and go up the elevators to the second floor. {{{it’s free!}}}

I think the girls enjoyed it {i did!}, one of the artists work on display right now features paintings of fairtytales. But, only half of the gallery is currently open because the student showcase begins April 3rd and is in the process of being arranged and hung on the walls.


this is Myla’s biggest ballroom competition of the year. Last week/weekend we spent nearly a solid three days at byu.

On Thursday Myla competed with her partner Ammon in the samba and paso doble’. This was their first time to compete both of these dances, completely new routines for them and they did great!

On Friday, Myla’s ballroom team from Center Stage also competed a latin medley in the preteen latin medley formation category. I didn’t get any pictures of this one.

Saturday, Myla and Ammon competed in the swing and did great! Myla was really frustrated when she didn’t get a first place, but in the final round {after about six rounds} they were off-beat with each other for the beginning 15 seconds or so.


dr. seuss day

March 4, 2009

Dr. Seuss’s birthday is March 2nd {he was born in 1904}, but my kids celebrated “dr. seuss day” at school yesterday on the 3rd with hat day and a read-a-thon.

I helped kick-off the festivities in each of their classes. First I gave everyone a “dr. seuss” hat, it was officially “hat” day so some kids chose to wear their own, but the seuss hats added to the fun. I read, “Fox in Sox,” and at times had the kids help me read the book. It cracked me up hearing them laugh at each other trying to say the tongue twisters. I had a few kids who said, “I don’t get this at all, this story doesn’t make any sense!”


my myla

March 3, 2009
I walked into my bathroom tonight…


this little love note was waiting for me…

what i love most about this, is not only the sweet, thoughtful girl who left it there for me to find…

but I can completely picture the process involved. I imagine myla was brushing her teeth in my bathroom, getting ready for bed, {often distracted} she saw the hair accessories sitting on the counter, and her mind creatively put together the idea to write a message.

she has no idea how unique she is.

who knew a ponytail, headband, and some hair pins could show so much love?!?

LOVE that girl.
