this is Myla’s biggest ballroom competition of the year. Last week/weekend we spent nearly a solid three days at byu.
On Thursday Myla competed with her partner Ammon in the samba and paso doble’. This was their first time to compete both of these dances, completely new routines for them and they did great!
On Friday, Myla’s ballroom team from Center Stage also competed a latin medley in the preteen latin medley formation category. I didn’t get any pictures of this one.
Saturday, Myla and Ammon competed in the swing and did great! Myla was really frustrated when she didn’t get a first place, but in the final round {after about six rounds} they were off-beat with each other for the beginning 15 seconds or so. Afterwards when I was with her she said, “Mom, why didn’t we win?” and I told her what had happened…she didn’t realize Ammon and her had been off-beat for a bit, and after I answered she said, “That’s what Dad told me, too.” is it bad that we’re so honest with our kids? She did fabulous, but wanted to know why…so we both told her!
Myla’s team also competed on Saturday, their new standard routine in the pre-teen standard medley category. Their dresses are gorgeous and they did a fabulous job!<congratulations to everyone that danced last weekend! i thoroughly enjoyed watching all of our couples and teams compete, they are all such beautiful dancers! it is amazing the hours and hours {real devotion} these kids put into rehearsing for ballroom. they all display such a true passion and love for dance. thanks for sharing it with all of us!
Love the Yellow dresses. So cute! I am amazed at how well these young kids dance. They are so fun to watch.
Mindy was there with her girls too!
Congrats Myla! You looked beautiful!!