the spring piano recital

April 26, 2010

was last week.

kj, myla, and kiana all take lessons from the most charming woman in our neighborhood, maisa simpson. maisa was raised as a professional piano player in europe and currently chaperone’s the young ambassadors at byu.

our favorite characteristic about maisa, is her kind, patient, infectious love for the piano.

i am a very chill piano momma. i require very little practice time from my kids. i hated practicing the piano as a kid, and yet i still wish i would have taken lessons longer than i did.

i assume my kids are going to feel just about the same as i did. i also assume that if they go to a lesson for 30 minutes every week…in ten years,


a new love of mine.

i love fashion.

in fact, all things ‘design’ tug at my heart strings. passionately.

fashion design.
interior design.
landscape/garden design.
art design.
graphic design.
stylin’ my kids design.
party design.

i get thrilled very easily with all of these! and more.


my kids didn’t wear their easter clothes on easter this year…

but they did today!

kj was such a stinker!
he was wearing the most charming navy blue pin-striped bow tie…
and he took it apart during sunday school!!!


my myla…

April 12, 2010

loves to build forts.



with absolutely any supplies she can find.

spring break officially ended this morning {boo}, and the kids went back to school. but this past weekend, moosey built this fort with the help of some neighborhood friends.

{sela likes to think it’s her fort.}

this fort is technically in our neighbors backyard.

luckily, this is their 3rd or 4th home, and they don’t visit utah very often.

so, our kids have free reign of the unfinished yard to create…

some days i wish they would landscape their lot so we would have a nicer view from our home,


my girls have been busy with lots of fun projects at their art school.

last fall they both finished flowers that they used cross-hatching to compose.

then they both personalized their cow projects…

i love seeing their personalities exposed in their artwork.

i am almost finished with this semester, just three more weeks!

then i am going to have four months off with NO CLASSES. i’ll be honest, i was nervous about this at first. i really enjoy my daily focus on art. UVU is not offering any classes i need this summer. however, since coming to grips with it, i’ve planned lots of other fun projects to do in place of homework.


we have had such a great time meeting up with friends & family lately…

we love visitors to utah!

meet the Bartholomew’s, minus a few of them…

this is Dusty’s aunt & uncle, nadine & david.

they have six girls and two twins boys, all adults now.

all dusty’s favorite cousins. {sorry to offend any relatives out there.}

i mentioned here that Dusty ran away from home when he was sixteen years old.

not his finest hour.

but can you blame him?

he was being raised on a ranch in southern nevada &
