loves to build forts.
with absolutely any supplies she can find.
spring break officially ended this morning {boo}, and the kids went back to school. but this past weekend, moosey built this fort with the help of some neighborhood friends.
{sela likes to think it’s her fort.}
this fort is technically in our neighbors backyard.
luckily, this is their 3rd or 4th home, and they don’t visit utah very often.
so, our kids have free reign of the unfinished yard to create…
some days i wish they would landscape their lot so we would have a nicer view from our home,
other days i’m happy the unfinished lot is there so myla can create…
Umm …does that meet code? J/K Myla is so creative and fun. Side note – it still looks really cold there – brrrr!
i love that girl! seriously i just laugh to myself remembering last years spring break "fort" it took them days to make and it even has sod! ha
oh i just love sela's hair! so cute!
Jane! Where are you? I'm still waiting to see pics of your spring break projects 😉