farewell warm weather…

October 5, 2010
we have had an exceptionally warm autumn this year.
and you will hear no complaints here.

i love spring and autumn, and cooler weather,
but sunshine is just too good
to complain about it!

however, i realize, because of the extended warmth,
the colder weather is going to strike soon. very soon.
here in utah, there’s some sort of biblical weather promise,
it always snows by halloween. i kid you not.
it will snow before halloween.

on october 2nd, sela’s official big day,
we still had 80+ degrees!

so, after our traditional family birthday breakfast at magleby’s,
where sela dined on chocolate cake &



October 2, 2010
it’s sela’s birthday.
the celebration of her birth day,

the single day, every year that is our day {and most often, in rhodes tradition, our week} to celebrate sela. for every blessed gift her life has given us. a day, that this over-reflective momma spends my day reminiscing, focusing on who she is, what i’ve learned from her, how i’ve changed, what i want for her,
and what she means to us.

we’ve had four years of nights with her warm little body pressed into our backs
as she breathes deeply and dreams.
{and also kicks,


ode to halloween

September 28, 2010

i love my home.

i love weekends when hibernation seems to be the theme, keeping us in the walls of our home. where all we see is each other, and the closest thing to date night is the worn pair of yoga pants that fit me just so and whose black has been washed now to a soft dark gray. i live in these pants at home, wearing them out a bit more as i run around the house between children or activities.

but, what makes those stay-at-home days even better is when they are balanced with the ever chaotic see-saw of life… the one that throws us out there some weekends, hosting volleyball nights and friendly faces and storing all the good we get from them to hold us over during hibernation.


Racing Cane…

September 24, 2010
was amazing.
beautiful success.

the ‘one voice children’s choir’ sang daphne’s song,
and most of us had glistening eyes.

so proud of my bestie.

this will forever be one of my favorite saturday mornings, for our family.

so fun to wake-up and start the day with all of us running. not just us.
we were surrounded by daphne, her family, neighbors, so many dear friends…

this group pic below is moi with my munchkins and
some of their friends pre-races…

i’ve come to the conclusion,


but, it’s beautiful chaos…

over labor-day weekend,

we met up with friends for some campfire time.
{you can see more pics here}
our favorite campfire treat totally trumps a s’more!
we make banana boats
that are deeelishious!


take a banana, leave the peel on, and slice it right down the middle.
place in foil, fill the banana with chocolate and marshmallows
wrap it up in the foil,
place it in the campfire
and a few minutes later…
