crush party 2011.

February 14, 2011

we started the week of love with a crush party.

the crepe bar was the highlight of the evening. to keep things simple, i made most of the crepes before the party started {our family recipe, here.} then we had each guest bring the toppings. we served dinner crepes with everything from turkey, cheese, peppers, spinach, and mushrooms.

for dessert crepes we had all the fixings: fresh berries, ice cream, whipping cream, caramel, nutella,


flashback friday…

February 11, 2011
february 2001.

ten years ago.

i bought daphne and i, and our four little girls
valentine’s tees from old navy…

kiana was almost three,
and myla was 14 months.

we had been living in our first home for about 18 months.

i was on a huge kick with black and white photos,
and coloring focal points in the photos.

{sara had taught me how to do this!}

kiana, on another day, same month, same tee:

this little girl, will be thir-teen in two weeks…



February 10, 2011

my kids have been sharing cold symptoms for three-weeks now.

i’ve taken three of them to our pediatrician, and i’ve been told three times,
they have colds.

fevers. sore throats. head aches. tummy aches.

occasionally, i catch myself day dreaming about sunny days, our swimming pool, and flip flops.

and by occasionally, i mean frequently.

when i look at these pictures by the-ever-talented-vanessa

i can’t believe our grass was ever that green.

we have flowers that grow in pots, on our patio?

we have sand that is warm to the touch?

we have barefeet outside?


lookiehere. {easy instructions too}

ok, really…

aren’t these awesome?!?

some days it really pays off to be a graphic-design-student/momma…
{but really…these are easy-peasy, anyone could make them!}

3 things i’m thinking post-project:

1) my heart is a little sad that miss twelve doesn’t want hers, she’s-so-over-giving-valentine’s. (junior high) … {i thought it would still be cute to give them to her besties…she disagrees.}
2) kj nearly refused to participate. would NOT sit in front of a pink background, so we used black. he also has these valentine’s to give out too,


homemade sea salt scrub

January 27, 2011

last month, our nanny tregan gave me the most divine body scrub for christmas. i am already a huge fan of oily-salty-scrubs, and this one tops them all as my favorite. plus, i just love that it’s homemade. i used up the jar tregan gave me lickety-split, so i’ve been dying to make more. my most-favorite-absolutely-love-it thing to do, is to use the body scrub in the shower/bath, then shave afterwards. oh my. my skin is so amazingly moisturized and smooth afterwards. it’s heaven!

simple recipe:
it’s pretty much a 1:1:1 ratio,

1 cup course sea salt
1 cup fine sea salt
1 cup oil
+ scented oils,


my myla…

January 19, 2011

when she’s not creating something, she’s thinking about creating something.

when she’s not thinking about creating something, she’s probably playing tennis, futsol, soccer, reading, scheming, playing computer games/video games, or watching tv/movies.

though to be honest, even when she’s doing these other things, i think she’s still thinking about creating.


her latest artwork from art school:

i love this first picture, because as she’s shows me her reindeer, she’s wearing a tennis skirt/outfit, headed to tennis… my myla.

this month: her valentine’s heart is on display in our entry…

she’s currently working on a 3-leaf clover for st.
