flashback friday…

february 2001.

ten years ago.

i bought daphne and i, and our four little girls
valentine’s tees from old navy…

kiana was almost three,
and myla was 14 months.

we had been living in our first home for about 18 months.

i was on a huge kick with black and white photos,
and coloring focal points in the photos.

{sara had taught me how to do this!}

kiana, on another day, same month, same tee:

this little girl, will be thir-teen in two weeks…

where, oh where…does the time go?

8 responses to “flashback friday…”

  1. Such cute pictures and memories! I am with you 100% on time flies WAY too fast and I want to slow it down SO badly! I love your blog and all of your posts. I am doing better about posting on my blog, but I wish that I was as good and creative as you!!

    I hope you are all feeling better!! Sorry you have been sick…

  2. That is just priceless!

    And a teenager. Oh, my! Got me to thinking…I was 14 when I met you and Brandy. Can you believe that? Really, where does the time go?

  3. Shannon's right-we DO look 13! I never feel old enough for what I'm doing (such as having a teenager) but it makes it easier and always more fun doing it together. I have very fond memories of that house. Myla looks exactly the same-just mini sized. So cute to see all the girls so tiny!

  4. ha! i love the black and white photos with color!

    and, the pdf's are really easy.

    when i use photo shop and got to save the document there is an option to save as a photoshop pdf file. you save it. then, upload it in google documents.. if you have gmail the link is at the top. then it will provide you will the link to the document to share with people publicly.

    let me know if you have questions..

  5. I love it! It's so nice to have friends that are in the same stage of life as you. SO fun to watch families grow.

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