bubble wrap hopscotch.

May 11, 2011

we are busy with projects around here! projects that involve moving! i have a large-moving-to-do-list, and each day we are checking off tasks.

my motto: organizing by minimizing!

sela is thoroughly enjoying this-whole-organizing-and-cleaning-process.

she takes time to play with everything, one more time. even if the item was never hers to begin with! she’s building forts with storage bins, setting up pretend shops with christmas decor, playing dress up with older siblings past costumes…

and, while we are working hard — we are still taking time to play hard, too!

bubble-wrap hopscotch!

i saw this idea here,


“Raise your hand if you have held a baby big or small. Raise your hand if you have ever given advice to someone younger than you. Raise your hand if you have worried about someone day and night. Raise your hand if you have cried for joy at someone else’s achievements. Raise your hand if you have cared, fed, bathed, and nurtured someone other than yourself. For all of us with our hands up, clap and shout because this day is for you! And I do include all the guys out there as well that take on both mom and dad roles. Today I celebrate everyone who has had a hand in inspiring the life of another. To achieve greatness,


my mom has lived with us for ten years. in our last home, we had a mother-in-law-apartment in the basement and she moved in with us there in 2001. then when we built our current home, we built grandma her own little cottage that you can see in the post below. {she really enjoys sitting in front of her cottage on warm afternoons.}

with our big move to boston coming up, my mom is going to return to salt lake city and live closer to family there.

so, this feels like the end of an era, we are going our separate ways after spending a decade together… our kids are accustomed to grandma just being a one minute walk away…


hit the road, jack…

May 2, 2011

we have just returned home from a very-quick-road-trippin’-beautiful-weekend.

it involved a lot of smartfood popcorn {my fave snack} + not-so-good ice cream + a really really really great new DECORATE book {here} + lots of drive-thru {bleh.} which, by the way, why on earth is it so challenging to order food for a family of six at a drive-thru? i mean, if we are able to order correctly, then it’s almost impossible to get the order correct. then, sometimes, it takes a fog horn to get the kids’ attention, so they can tell us what they want to order, the person on the other side of that little intercom gets highly frustrated,


eight years ago, this little man came into our life.

and on wednesday of this week, we celebrated our gator, in true-kj-fashion with all of his favorite things…

blue + turquoise + stripey things everywhere + donuts + texas cake + ice cream dots + cream soda + hawaiian punch + lots of boy-inspired gifts such as lego’s/rockets/nerf guns/and balloons stuffed with money! + all the people he loves + video games.

the day was beautiful. weather around here is sketchy in springtime. rain or snow one day & sunshine the next. and, we’ve had lots of the rain & snow lately.

but, wednesday?

the clouds flew away and the sun was bright.


digital portraits

April 28, 2011

while i’ve been working with alma, whom i adore…
i also met her amazingly-talented husband. what a dynamic design duo that they are!
she rocks illustrator, and he is a master of photoshop. {incredible!}

do you know this pair? have you taken their online classes?

one skill mike offers the public are his digital portraits, and once i saw his work, i was in love.
check out his online gallery here.

each of these pieces can be printed up to 16″x20″
