flashback friday…

November 12, 2010
once upon a time, we celebrated husbands birthday at a bed & breakfast
{here} with close friend couples…

we rented the entire place, to ourselves!

this is how it worked…

we brought tons of food,
played tons of games and at the end of the night,
the couples who had won the most games/etc etc
got to choose what rooms they slept in.

it was a battle!

the couple who lost the most games,
was stuck with the last room available.

it was a riot!

here’s a run-down of just a few games we played…


holiday home tour…

November 9, 2010
shamelessly, we went straight from halloween to christmas.

on november 1st.

my thanksgiving table will be decorated appropriately…
with turkeys, brown, orange, leaves, and pilgrims.
and, we will feast with giant thankful hearts.


big ‘but’ here…

the ambiance surrounding the next eight weeks
is set in red, silver, white, gold, green,
candy canes, owls, santas, wreaths, and
with lots of lights & sparkles…


flashback friday…

November 6, 2010

with my husbands birthday closely approaching,
i have his birthday memories on my mind.

husband and i met at southern utah university in january 1995.
we were officially dating by spring,
engaged in october,

and his first birthday that we celebrated together
was november 13th, 1995.

i gave him a pair of roller blades.
he had never roller bladed.
growing up on a ranch didn’t offer a lot of concrete…
such things like bike riding – roller blading – etc were not his forte’.

we spent many a evenings roller blading around the southern utah university campus. long story short, he never mastered rollerblading.
picture him knock-knee’d,


looming clouds.
rain showers.
perfect fall weather.
not-so-perfect fall weather…

and, sunshine.

…because we’re splitting it between three cities in two states.

{my constant parenting motto for husband & i: we will divide and conquer!}

on friday & saturday, we will all be staying in slc to watch
kiana’s dance competition, then kiana and i will be headed
to L.A. on saturday afternoon.

{kiana’s dance team has a callback audition for this!}
husband will return home to cover all the festivities
with the three younger kiddo’s.


she took our family pictures recently…

since my kids have been wearing these 3D movie glasses as an accessory
for the past 2 months, they were my inspiration for our session.
and, we took the pictures here, right next to our home,
so i love the home sweet home scenery connection.

i am obsessed with the pictures {obsessed!},
they turned out exactly how i’d hoped and better.
mindy totally captured our family life through her lens…

her photography style is brilliant.

the first time i saw the pictures, i just sat there stunned,
and had one thought over and over and over…


flashback friday

October 22, 2010
halloween, 1997.

fred & wilma flintstone.
the first halloween we dressed up, together.

dusty & i were living in seoul, south korea.
we were in charge of planning an adults-only halloween party
for our branch {church} there.

{we took polaroids of all the couples!}

…i made our costumes, by finding all the supplies in local markets,
hand-sewing, and hot glue.

i made a stencil & used spray paint to make husbands fred flintstone shirt.

i think i’m about to lose my wig in the picture…
and, i’m six months pregnant with our first baby girl, only,
we didn’t know if it was a boy or girl…
