flashback friday

August 6, 2010
i take you back to 1996.
the year we were married.

as i’ve mentioned numerous time here, on my blog, before…
husband & i taught english in south korea, soon after we were married.
we spent 22 months in south korea.

we took our first vacation away from s.korea in july of 1996,
after we’d been teaching for 3 months.

we bought 2 plane tickets to fukuoka, japan.
we bought our first true ‘backpacks’ for the trip.
we bought our first sleeping bags for the trip.

we were truly ‘backpacking’ southeast asia…

we were only staying one night in fukuoka.


flashback friday

July 30, 2010
i take you back to the spring of 1997.

husband and i we were visiting new zealand,
and acquainting ourselves with his incredible maori lineage.

dusty & i had been married almost 18 months.

we were madly in love, traveling the globe, and were constantly taking huge leaps of faith with how many challenges we had stacked against us at the time.

each of those leaps and challenges, bonded us.

created a deeper love.

one such leap, a literal jump…

had us grasping into one another with white knuckles we were both so scared.

husband and i agree, we would not have wanted to jump alone.


flashback friday

July 9, 2010

in honor of red, white, and blue, and all fourth of july festivities this past week…

i take you back to 1997.

october, 1997

while dusty & i were english teachers in seoul, south korea…
we would plan little trips around southeast asia as often as we could.

one of those trips took us to phuket, thailand.

at this time, i was five months pregnant with our first baby girl.
on one afternoon, we rented a jeep to go cruise around the back roads of phuket.

a star-spangled jeep!

soon after we left, a major rainstorm hit. we’re talking flash flood.


flashback friday

July 2, 2010
i was looking through dusty’s photo albums recently,
and came across the polaroid below…

this is my husband with his niece amber, circa 1982.

my husband & amber share the same birthday. pretty cool.

amber is now a momma to the cutest little girl emery.

emery has just about the cutest-cheeks you have EVER seen.
{she looks a little like her momma in the picture above…i love it!}

darling! darling! darling!

i love looking through old photo albums, so nostalgic.




flashback friday

June 25, 2010

in honor of my baseball-filled life right now…

here is my team picture from the first year i played softball.

i love{d} playing softball. i have the most amazing memories from this team. this picture below is tucked away in a photo album i own. but it also appeared on facebook this past year, where i have re-connected with almost every one of these girls from the year we played softball together. i am a big fan of facebook for reasons like this. i have the fondest memories of my dad taking me to tournaments with this team all over the northwest coast of washington state. good times. very good times.

i beg my husband every year to let me play on a co-ed softball team with him,


flashback friday

June 19, 2010

dusty and i were at dinner tonight with friends,
when i received this text:

kiana: “reminder…it’s Friday-you always write a post-
Flashback Fridays… ;D

what would i do without my miss twelve??? by the way, she also sent this text to me while she was at home tending her younger siblings so dusty and i could go to dinner with friends…she’s quite the multi-tasker, and…

she is one fabulous personal assistant for me!

in honor of flashback fridays, here’s a peak into my personal assistants history with flexibility & leaps.

when kiana was almost six, we were sitting in the kitchen as a family eating dinner when kiana mentions “
