flashback friday

i take you back to the spring of 1997.

husband and i we were visiting new zealand,
and acquainting ourselves with his incredible maori lineage.

dusty & i had been married almost 18 months.

we were madly in love, traveling the globe, and were constantly taking huge leaps of faith with how many challenges we had stacked against us at the time.

each of those leaps and challenges, bonded us.

created a deeper love.

one such leap, a literal jump…

had us grasping into one another with white knuckles we were both so scared.

husband and i agree, we would not have wanted to jump alone.

we jumped from 47 metres above ground. 155 feet. over a river.
trusting a bungy to catch us just as we tapped the water with our hands.
we were in the land where bungy-jumping was invented.

the jump was exhilarating.

heart pounding.
absolutely thrilling.

our leaps are not always so literal.

but they are often just as challenging, committed, and scary.
my husband encourages me to push myself beyond my comfort zone.

he supports me to jump.
try new things.
overcome challenges.
be the best me.
be the best us.

have a fabulous weekend!

{take a leap of faith!}

5 responses to “flashback friday”

  1. i CANNOT believe you did that? plus isn't that one of the highest bridges to jump from!

    You are full of surprises babe!

  2. I love how you and Dusty were wild and crazy world explorers. You have SO many cool experiences. I LOVE to travel and see the world. My husband is somewhat warming up to the idea.

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