easter eggs.

April 19, 2011

the hipstamatic run-down of our easter egg-dyeing tradition…

maybe you all know this… but, using food coloring + vinegar/water works wayyyyy better than those little tablets you buy in kits. yeah. i didn’t know that, till this year. and our eggs are more gorgeous than eva!

i live for holidays & special events. so, easter is no exception, and i love everything…the eggs, the spring outfits, wheat grass, the pastel kitchen accessories, baby chicks {like… the real animal!}, the ham dinner.

i love pretending the easter bunny is going to come hopping right through our back yard in front of my older girls even though my excessive enthusiasm is met with rolled eyes by all.


a new love of mine.

i love fashion.

in fact, all things ‘design’ tug at my heart strings. passionately.

fashion design.
interior design.
landscape/garden design.
art design.
graphic design.
stylin’ my kids design.
party design.

i get thrilled very easily with all of these! and more.


my kids didn’t wear their easter clothes on easter this year…

but they did today!

kj was such a stinker!
he was wearing the most charming navy blue pin-striped bow tie…
and he took it apart during sunday school!!!



April 5, 2010

sela was hiding around our home for a good portion of the morning…

she was terrified.


she said the easter bunny is ‘sdary’ and she did not want to cross paths with it…

should it actually hop right through our house.

however, sela was totally fine collecting the pink goodies the bunny left!

the easter bunny color-coordinated the kids’ treats again this year…it sure makes the egg hunt ‘fair’ for everyone…keeping all kiddos happy. 😉

this year, when the kids noticed the easter bunny had left goodies in the backyard, they rushed to get their baskets &


what are your plans this weekend?

my kids are home, for NINE days, woo-hoo! spring break!

i am splitting my weekend and/or next nine days between big projects & relaxing/fun traditions.

i think everything is ready for our easter dinner, the kids’ easter clothing, a fun bunny visit, and we will also celebrate MLB opening day on sunday evening…

big projects:

  • homework {includes some painting & graphics stuff}
  • wallpaper {yep, finally putting it up!}
  • spring cleaning {it usually takes me WEEKS to spring clean,



April 13, 2009

was beautiful.

we attended church services with our friends at Christ evangelical, Myla still continues calling it the “rockband” church. The kids were convinced the easter bunny was not coming, so they were thrilled when baskets and eggs appeared on the back porch in the afternoon. We had a delicious family dinner, and some of us took naps all afternoon. Seriously, could it be any better? {we are all now getting to bed at 1am, due to naps!}
The easter bunny, instead of sending the kids on their traditional scavenger hunt twisted things up a bit this year. They each had a colored basket and their eggs were color-coordinated depending on the child…Kiana was green,
