spring holidays…

March 30, 2012

easter is one of those holidays that comes so quick each year, and as it goes i feel blessed, happy – and – exhausted! do you agree? it’s a day filled with traditions that i adore: dying easter eggs + new sunday clothing for the kiddos + church services + the easter bunny visits + a delicious traditional meal is to be prepared/served + depending on where you live & who you might live by – you may even have more events/activities with friends/family/church/community/work/etc.

SO. last year i had to take control & spread out the activities a bit. we usually dye eggs & plant wheat grass the weekend before so we can have them on display in our home that week.


diy: napkin bows

May 3, 2011

while perusing pinterest, i spotted this darling napkin bow. so, for easter dinner i tried them out! miss thirteen was my assistant, and after we figured out one, she made the rest for me! {i love having older kids who help!}



1. cut paper strips that are 8″ long, one-and-a-half inches wide. you can trim them shorter at the end, if you want a tighter center ring. fold the right side of the napkin in towards the center, leaving one inch of space.

2. continue by folding the left side in,


dear easter sunday,

thank you kindly,
for all the love.
for all the happiness.
for great friends who stop by to visit.
for big papi being home.
for sunshine & bike rides.
for the red sox winning their first sweep this weekend.
for delicious food + new recipes that are a success.
for holding hands during family prayer, and the extra little squeezes i get from sela.

sweet potato casserole:
{i doubled the recipe shown & had plenty for 7 guests plus a little extra.}

you will need –
4 cups sweet potato, cubed
1/2 cup white sugar
2 eggs,


easter eve.

April 24, 2011

the easter bunny was full of surprises this year. with a little tradition too. everything was still color-coded, meaning each child was assigned a color & that meant they only hunted for eggs that color. this keeps things balanced & friendly, in a competitive family.

the kids were screaming with delight, which means husband and i were smiling at each other with super-delight. evenings like this make me feel settled. like i am right where i am supposed to be with who i am supposed to be with – and all is well.

our kiddo’s kept taking breaks to count how many eggs they had found,


tumble bunnies.

April 20, 2011

my kiddos loved this little activity… you can find the template here. after their bunnies tumbled and raced {because almost everything becomes a competition in our family} the activity quickly evolved into an indoor slide!
