diy: napkin bows

while perusing pinterest, i spotted this darling napkin bow. so, for easter dinner i tried them out! miss thirteen was my assistant, and after we figured out one, she made the rest for me! {i love having older kids who help!}



1. cut paper strips that are 8″ long, one-and-a-half inches wide. you can trim them shorter at the end, if you want a tighter center ring. fold the right side of the napkin in towards the center, leaving one inch of space.

2. continue by folding the left side in, leaving about one inch of space from the center. then fold the top and bottom inwards about three inches.

3. fold the top and bottom sides in, one more time.

4. flip the napkin over, and wrap the strip of paper around the center.

5. flip to the back, and use a small piece of tape to hold the paper ring in place.


other purposes —

have you joined pinterest? i know i’ve mentioned it here before — but, people… i LOVE it. i could sit and pin for hours. i would happily trade sleep for pinning! {you are welcome to follow me, here.}

so, what do you think of the napkin bow? do you plan on trying it? i think it would be darling for so many parties – girls lunches, tea parties, wedding brunches, picnics, the list goes on and on! i love the bow-trend.

happy hosting!

{all photos by me. this is not a sponsored post.}

7 responses to “diy: napkin bows”

  1. oh my, how darling!! i love this, and i literally laughed out loud when i saw the bows on myla and kj… too cute!
    and it looks easy peasy!!

  2. How neat! I've looked at pinning, I'm not too sure about it though. I'll have to look more into it. P.S. I love love Kiana's shirt!

  3. Oh my gosh I love those! I will most definitely be trying them out at the next dinner I have at my place. Thanks!

  4. So cute. Maybe I'm a little slow but I can't figure out how to follow you on pinterest. What a fun idea!

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