elf on the shelf

December 6, 2011

introducing, our elf.

mr. bean {named appropriately for bean town}

mr. bean arrived before thanksgiving this year!
so, the first few times he was spotted, he was spreading pumpkin-turkey-“indian” tent- cheer!

then he helped us prepare for christmas!

…when sela noticed he was having a snowball fight with ms. owl,
she made ms. owl some full-body armor with a piece of paper!

mr. bean really started to develop his character,
he’s quite the original elf!

…we knew mr.


christmas day.

December 28, 2010

we had a beautiful christmas here in cabo. we shared the day with good friends, delicious food, and the pacific ocean. i’ve found what i like most about christmas here, it’s that it’s not over. if we were home, i would have already gotten a crazy cleaning bug to take down the tree, super-clean the house and move on…

but here.

oh, we love here.

here, the christmas tree lights are still a-glow, we’re still whistling christmas tunes, and each morning still feels like christmas morning with the toy blizzard that appears.

the season continues.

plus, we know that white stuff will still be there, for months,


christmas eve…

December 27, 2010

we had enchiladas, clam chowder, mexican steak and cheese quesadillas…


after a beautiful day at the beach,
we visited the bland family to give them their christmas eve gifts…

keeping with this new tradition,
cabo xmas 2010 pro look shorts!

the adorable bland familia—

our familia—

{please note: when i’m truly on vacation there is no make-up and very little effort to do my hair!}

kj’s shorts were mis-sized just a little,
so he put them on for a picture but wore his other christmas jammies all night.


sela had her preschool christmas program earlier this month,
it was a-MAZ-ing.

her school goes all out, not a single detail forgotten.

it was a big after school-family event.

gourmet desserts, santa came to visit, the kids made reindeer trail mix,
so many cute activities! adorable decorations and gifts.

every half-hour, whatever kids were there from all grades could join in the sing-a-long to perform for the audience filled with proud parents eagerly watching.

sela has been singing her favorite christmas song at home, in the car, everywhere we go… for all our friends, she sings.

then the moment to perform came.

i shuffled through the crowd to get her in place,


eighty and sunny…

December 22, 2010

where we are.

{greetings from mexico.}

we are spending our afternoons by the pool, at the beach, by another pool, by another beach, by another pool, by another beach. repeat. repeat. repeat. {for two weeks!}

life is good.

life was best for my moosey when we discovered they had set-up new soccer goals down on the beach.

her birthday is next week, and she is now requesting we play sand soccer all day for her!

the sand crab,
caught by big papi,
created some big smiles from our little munchkins…

my funny honey.


tits for tots.

December 18, 2010

yep. you read it correctly.
that’s what shannon’s sweater said
as we celebrated christmas-sweater style!

our neighbors, the napierski’s, had one big christmas bash tonight.

delicious food, {lots & lots of food}, photo back-drop, couples quizzes, games,
fun, people we love, tacky christmas sweaters…

we were the nerds of the party.

it’s a little theme we’re rockin’ all season long.

as we walked home from this party tonight. there were snowflakes. big, beautiful white snowflakes. almost as if the snow gods knew i wanted to have a white christmas,
