my moosey is basking in sunny celebrations for her birthday here in cabo… today.
her requests: she wants to play sand soccer on the beach all day.
then dinner at “the office” which is where the party is at, here in cabo.
earlier this month, we celebrated pink-panther style…take a gander:

{the first invitation i’ve designed in illustrator…ta-da!}

{we played this theme song as the guest arrived, and during pizza time}

moosey has always been a pink panther movie fan.


happy belated birthday…

December 14, 2010

to my mom!
{last week}

she’s rockin’ 73!

we celebrated texas-roadhouse style and
at home with a little poinsettia party!

{warning: texas roadhouse has rolls that are almost krispy kreme donuts.}

this is what you do, when you don’t have the right candles. “72 + 1”


dirty’s fabulous fortieth…

November 16, 2010

i don’t ever want to forget weekends like this.

{blast our weekend theme song, here.}

it was filled with family and friends. just like every year, the candles were blown out. games were played. stories were shared. music was played. laughter was contagious. one-liners were rampant. memories were made.

and, it was magical.

we filled this RV with as many people as we could,
and headed south…

lots of card games, scrabble, and treats.
thank you to michael for having incredible driving-parking skills,
“i’ve never seen a 40-foot sports car go so fast!”



November 13, 2010

my man is forty today.

…as in just a few minutes ago, he turned forty.

and let me tell you, it looks soooo good on him.

he owns it.

and yes, there are kids or myself in every photo.

…because we love our big papi.

he keeps us so entertained. we feel his love.

we’re like moths to his light.

they say, life begins at forty…
bring it on – we’ll be right there, with you.

cheers, babe!



flashback friday…

November 12, 2010
once upon a time, we celebrated husbands birthday at a bed & breakfast
{here} with close friend couples…

we rented the entire place, to ourselves!

this is how it worked…

we brought tons of food,
played tons of games and at the end of the night,
the couples who had won the most games/etc etc
got to choose what rooms they slept in.

it was a battle!

the couple who lost the most games,
was stuck with the last room available.

it was a riot!

here’s a run-down of just a few games we played…


flashback friday…

November 6, 2010

with my husbands birthday closely approaching,
i have his birthday memories on my mind.

husband and i met at southern utah university in january 1995.
we were officially dating by spring,
engaged in october,

and his first birthday that we celebrated together
was november 13th, 1995.

i gave him a pair of roller blades.
he had never roller bladed.
growing up on a ranch didn’t offer a lot of concrete…
such things like bike riding – roller blading – etc were not his forte’.

we spent many a evenings roller blading around the southern utah university campus. long story short, he never mastered rollerblading.
picture him knock-knee’d,
