activity days

April 25, 2009

the byu museum of art currently has a few exceptional exhibits, two of them you don’t want to miss! {it’s free!}first, the walter wick “i spy” exhibit-

myla and bree loved searching for everything hidden in the artwork-
second, dan steinhilber’s artwork-dan’s work is very abstract, we all loved his garbage-bag blow-up piece, and the duck sauces board, totally unique!


activity days

March 18, 2009

i needed to visit an art gallery for extra credit in my drawing class, so this week the activity day girls and I headed to the –

uvu woodbury art museum.

conveniently located near Nordstrom at University mall. If you have not been there, and you are interested… it has it’s own entrance, you walk in the doors, to the left, and go up the elevators to the second floor. {{{it’s free!}}}

I think the girls enjoyed it {i did!}, one of the artists work on display right now features paintings of fairtytales. But, only half of the gallery is currently open because the student showcase begins April 3rd and is in the process of being arranged and hung on the walls.


drawing class…

March 12, 2009

i continue to love every concept and assignment we work on in my drawing class. and i have logged some serious hours with my pencil and paper! i’m learning, about myself, that I really am at peace while drawing. Even if the assignment vs. time stresses me a bit at times to get things done… when I am not drawing, I really look forward to the next time I will be sitting down to do it, again. it’s relaxing and a great creative outlet.

homework assignment #3- I had to position 7 cylindrical objects in three different positions…
Most of February and early March we have been working on values. Light. Shadows, cast shadows,


I love the exposure to the arts I am getting from being in school {again.} Barbara Frazier is my incredibly talented photography teacher and she currently has her own show KALEIDOSCOPE going on at the new{er} Provo Covey Arts Center in downtown Provo. I wish I would have posted this sooner, but I didn’t make it into the gallery until this afternoon, ohhhh, it is so amazing. really. She is a very talented photographer, and mixes all kinds of mediums for her work. You can see in a couple of pictures I posted below how diverse and organic the pieces are.

Barb has a letter in the gallery, where she states,
“Objects in nature and the female figure are reoccurring themes throughout my work…”


a peak at some of my first Drawing 1 art pieces…

drawing assignment #1, I had to use all straight lines in making this picture, no lines could be longer than about 2.5 inches.

I had to position 5 items:
1- fabric or cloth with a pattern
2- something “mechanical”
3- food
4- book or box
5- a cylinder shape.
Here’s what I came up with:

gestures {in class}:
we had to draw about 20 gestures, all in motion, each gesture needed to be done in 30 seconds – 2 minutes or less.
these were my best four-

drawing assignment #2


the pennyroyal cafe

February 5, 2009

is a quaint urban cafe in downtown provo. in my photography class i was given the option to visit the cafe and view some photos on display by a student at uvu. it’s extra credit, and still early in the semester but i usually try to do all extra credit that is offered in case it’s needed down the road…

dusty and i tried to visit the cafe friday night, but to our surprise, it was standing room only. popular place. they have local live music and it was impossible to walk around the cafe and check out the photos…

so, I tried again today-
Jon Brown is the photographer,
