goals update…

February 11, 2010
#1 tears of joy, all the time

at 8:15pm tonight i received this text from sara,

“I am forever changed and so undeserving. This is truly a miracle. He has LITERALLY been raised and brought back from the dead by faith, prayers, and the power of the priesthood.


There are no words. He is absolutely the same boy we loved before he nearly left us. We are so glad he chose to come back to us. We are so blessed to be a part of his special mission. He has touched so many.

Right now he is breathing on his own, sitting up by himself,


my second project in my oil painting class was to convey an emotion, a moment in your life, a feeling, a mental disorder… or anything similar to these in color. we could only use two out of three primary colors, and had the option of using white and black. also, it needed to be non-objective.

my project is finished. it’s been critiqued, and it’s on display in the entry of our home. i also planned it to be a part of my valentine’s decor~

what does my painting represent?

it mixes a couple of things…

first, balance.
i am always striving for balance in my life. I tried to somewhat balance my composition symmetrically on a diagonal to show this.


i am well-underway this semester with my new classes. i have oil painting, ceramics, a graphic design class, and a visiting-artist weekly lecture.
{love them all!}

my first project in my oil painting class was very time consuming. the whole point was to teach us to mix our paints, and more or less waste them. because this project took SO much paint. these paints are not cheap, people.

we were required to paint a color chart. It could be within a picture like mine is {not many people did this} or you could paint 96 popsicle sticks and line them up, make a checkerboard of 96 colors,


cardboard chairs

December 12, 2009

for my final project in my 3d design class,
we designed & built life size cardboard chairs.

each student was required to make a small maquette of their own proposed design, then we were put into groups to vote on our favorite design of each group. Once the favorite was picked, we then went to work on making it life size, durable, and usable.

we had a group of five, and chose micah’s for the group design.

i particularly liked the clean lines of his design, and although we had to scale it down a bit and forgo the ottoman because of time,


my final project

December 12, 2009

for my sculpture class.

we had to create a 3d sculpture {couldn’t be flat} out of ANY material that we wanted to use. anything. popsicle sticks, tree branches, bronze, clay, qtips, you name it.

the sculpture had to relate to us personally in some way.

here’s what i did…

i spent a couple of weeks saving these:

then i sat down and made this: in my opinion, it’s a much better self-portrait than the clay one below.

whatcha think???
