ok readers, i told you yesterday there was going to be a surprise! it’s time to share our families love of black-framed retro glasses and mr. bean’s style with the world!

this year, we want all of your elves to magically appear around the house in cool eye swag! so, i’ve planned an easy way for you to make them:

  • print the elf glasses template on card stock.
  • trim the glasses slowly & carefully with an exacto knife. i recommend putting cardboard or a cutting board under the paper. using a ruler will help you cut straight.
  • using zots dots, or something similar,


as my pom pom obsession continues {i currently keep my baskets of yarn right next to the fireplace for creating where it’s warm!}, i have kept the trend going by making neutral pom pom garlands to mix with my holiday decor this season. i shared a garland with you earlier this year, but if you are interested in learning how to make one of your own – you can find the DIY tutorial right here on design mom today.

after you check out the tutorial — follow @see_jane on instagram, re-post the pom-pom image found there today, hash tag #seejanepompom, and leave a comment below for a chance to win one of TWO of the garlands!


calling all instagram addicts: i’ve been working on my first instagram book via blurb for the holidays, and noting how instagram took over in my personal-photo-memories department. this year i took less pictures on my SLR camera then any year previously in the past decade+. and although i am trying to change this, i also realized that if i am going to remain completely and hopelessly addicted to instagram i should invest a little more time in each of those photos. i love using instagram and i’ve even thought to buy likes on Instagram to make my posts get a little more attention, i haven’t tried that yet though!!

with doing so, i frequently get asked what apps i am using or how i created a certain instagram pic.


November 29, 2012

this motivates me. do you know the story of julia child? if you do, let me remind you that she was 37 years old when she started cooking. 37! i am going to be 37 on my next birthday in january, and with the inspiration of julia child + the fact my youngest baby is going to be in school full-time next year i am itching to continue my dreams. i think about this almost twenty-four hours a day. have you given up on your dreams? or are you living them? something to chew on today.

{image via me}


winterize your feet.

November 28, 2012

we ask a lot of our feet. we expect to be able to stand on them all day, cram them into tight shoes and boots, even run or walk for miles on them. we often don’t pay them any attention until something goes wrong — an achy arch, an ingrown nail, or something else… it’s time to give them a little break.

as i started to winterize my feet this year, i realized i’d never shared this idea on the blog. i’ve been doing this each winter for years now, and i look forward to the routine.

how it works:

at the end of summer, after the very last time i may possibly want my toe nails painted,


DIY: repotting little trees

November 27, 2012

this past october i was hired by burt’s bees baby to be the photography stylist for their holiday/spring lines. this was new territory for me that i quickly learned i was 100% prepared for. i loved every minute of the prep work and time spent on the shoot. i find total pleasure in working with other people who also think with the right side of their brains. friends, i may have found my calling in life! i had never really put two and two together, but i truly “style” all day long. everyday. i set-up little vignettes all-over our home – when we’re away from our home – when i blog –
