Boston Common on Memorial Day via seejaneblog

Boston Common and the Rhodes family via Seejaneblog

dining at Boston Common via seejaneblog

memorial day in boston via seejaneblog

strolling through boston common via seejaneblog

character balloons in boston common via seejaneblog

wellesley girls at boston common via seejaneblog

leaving with flags via seejaneblog

33,000 flags. *the Massachusetts Military Heroes Fund sponsors a Memorial Day flag display on the Boston Common, with a sea of flags representing Massachusetts service members who lost their lives in the line of duty.

at the end of the evening, each of my kiddos took home one of these flags as a token to remember those who have served our country.

God bless the U.S.A.

{all pictures by me, Jane Rhodes} *here.



May 26, 2013

Kiana packing

Myla legos

KJ mustache

sela under desk

“a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.”

kiana: is thrilled we are moving back to utah. try as i may to make her an east coast girl, she is a utah girl at heart and can’t wait to be back “home.”
myla: voluntarily decided to dump out our lego collection one storage bin at a time, and organized them by “types” of legos.
kj: on a beautiful sunny day i was standing in my kitchen this past week. i looked up to gaze out the window and enjoy the view,


see jane undergo RAI therapyso… as a final step on my thyroid cancer agenda, i begin radioactive iodine therapy tomorrow morning.

did you know that your thyroid glands absorb nearly all of the iodine in your body? so, when radioactive iodine (RAI), also known as I-131, is taken into the body in liquid or capsule form, it concentrates on thyroid cells. the radiation can destroy the thyroid gland and any other thyroid cells (including cancer cells) that take up iodine, with little effect on the rest of your body. most of my thyroid was removed in the two surgeries i had, but we know from recent blood work that some cancerous thyroid cells remain – the RAI will destroy them.



May 19, 2013

kiana sick

myla in the park

kj my bruins fan

sela at the park

“a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.”

kiana: has a stomach bug, and has been in bed or on the couch watching re-runs of gilmore girls.
myla: has been hooked to her iphone watching dance academy this week…
kj: four days home from school sick this past week – he had the stomach bug first, and he’s just starting to feel better.
sela: likes building little beds out of leaves for her miniature dolls.



May 12, 2013

kiana sleeping

myla archery

kj practicing piano

sela red bow

“a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.”

kiana: sleeps more than any other human i know. she is a teenager. but she’s been this way since she was an infant!
myla: collects russian matryoshka dolls and cool eyeglasses/sunglasses.
kj: practicing piano as fast as he can, so he can get back to riding his bike.
sela: likes to wear a red bow to match her backpack.



many things are happening around here. many good and exciting things.

there is the obvious, it’s finally feeling warm in new england!!! the sun shines past the clouds and rain about four days out of seven! wahoooo! the Red Sox have had the most exciting start to their season this year, and we hope the goodness continues. there have also been some unexpected changes in our life lately. because of all the snow days we had this winter, our kids will be in school till june twenty-SIXTH and shortly after that it looks like this family of six will be setting out on a new adventure. there’s been a change of plans, instead of staying here in boston and continue to indefinitely settle down,
