valentines day in our home

February 15, 2015

minimalist valentines day home decor via seejaneblogAs each holiday approaches I find myself craving more and more simple traditions. Less decorations, less focus on what we should buy for people and an increased focus on the time we have with those we love. In the past few years I’ve had numerous conversations with friends about this – tell me what you think…

minimalist valentines home decor via seejaneblogIn my twenties, after getting married and starting a family, I had this inner urge to consume STUFF. Whether it was furnishings for my home, decorations for holidays, kids toys and gadgets… I collected and purchased stuff like Gus from Cinderella collected cheese. I couldn’t wrap my arms around the items I was bringing home. I was prone to overspend with anything I could easily convince myself I needed.


ordinary hero

February 13, 2015

Jane and Myla Rhodes, orginary heros organization via seejaneblogHappy Valentine’s Day, friends!!! I hope your weekend is filled with love and the people you love most! Do you feel like sharing some love today?

Myla and I are planning to join the orindary hero organization this June for a trip to Ethiopia to serve children in villages, orphanages, and the countryside. We’ve joined together with others who will be partnering with Ethiopian organziations in an effort to make sure kids there who are waiting for adoptions have the nutritious food, and resources they need to grow, learn and play like we, as a family, are able to do every day.

Ordinary Hero’s mission is to inspire and empower ORDINARY people to make an extraordinary difference in the life of a child in need.


laptop valentine

February 9, 2015

laptop valentine card printable via seejaneblog shopIt’s hard to give out valentines cards when you are in sixth grade – you want something cool and more mature, something unique, a card that shows your style. So this year when I kept thinking about my techy son, and his obsession with the Beattles I kept trying to think of how we could combine the two…

I finally went to the store and stood in the candy aisle attempting to create something techy when I finally had the idea to create a laptop out of a Trident pack of gum! I liked the silver packaging on the ends that help the appearance look like a real macbook. Considering the fact we are apple fans in our home.



February 9, 2015

teen hair via seejaneblog
Teen off to golf via seejaneblog
tween boy via seejaneblog
little dancer via seejaneblog
australian labradoodle sleeping puppy via seejaneblog

A portrait of my children (and puppy), once a week, every week, in 2015.

Kiana: She registered for her senior year classes this past week, and we are all in disbelief she will be a SENIOR!!!

Myla: Spent the entire week playing tennis and golf outdoors! Sixty degree temps in February.

KJ: Joined a new travel baseball team, and a new haircut all in the past week.

Sela: Since last September this girl has been requesting to quit dance. And as a parent, this is a tough situation for me, she is on a “company”


Succulent valentine.

February 9, 2015

love succs valentines tags via seejaneblogSometimes, love isn’t all it’s cracked up to be and someone in your life might enjoy a smile based on honesty for valentines day… So, choose your favorite succulent and attach one of these gift cards found in my shop HERE!

I could have made an endless supply of options for the gift tags, but narrowed it down to “LOVE SUCCS” – “LOVE DOES NOT SUCC” – “BEING YOUR FRIEND SUCCS” and “BEING YOUR FRIEND DOES NOT SUCC” I’m positive we each know someone who would like one of these. Brighten someone’s day with a succulent!
succulent valentine printable via
succulent valentine tags download via
Graphic design by: Lovely Lindsay,
