m.i.a. blogger

April 5, 2008

hello, everyone
this is Sony’s “floating glass” “Vaio LT HD PC/TV.”
my new computer! {please note: no large PC box!!!}
a.k.a. Jane’s latest love affair.
We are currently working out our new love differences.
Between my kids & new computer, I am constantly learning patience.
I hope to be back soon!

XOXO to you all!
{big thanks $$$ to Dusty Rhodes!}


s c r a b b l e

March 22, 2008

I started to organize the new bunco group and started thinking that a monthly scrabble night might be more fun.

Ladies, What do you think?

We could still host dinner, play a few rounds of scrabble, have some prizes…

Let me know…


March 18, 2008

I am going to try and prioritize well today – So, I will blog first…

I’m in the middle of cleaning out our basement storage room, it’s had chaos hit it lately… It feels so good to see it coming together and looking pretty again!

I am almost done with the easter egg – scavenger hunt for Easter morning. I like to have my kids wake up to an empty easter basket with a note that sends them on their way to 15 clues and fills their baskets a long the way. The time involved is insane this year, I made all picture clues for KJ since he isn’t really reading yet,


gno ~ bloggers bunko?

March 6, 2008

is anyone interested? I have not had a bunko group in ages. Or, maybe just a dinner group? Dinner & a movie? Once a month? Let me know if you’re interested…You know me, I just can’t organize activities enough! 🙂


The third season recently concluded, and am I the only person disappointed? It’s OBVIOUS that the last 2 eipisodes were written without the original writers because everything was off. Bad lines, bad camera shots, cheesy scenes…you name it. I have been thinking for the past couple months, “Why is everyone complaining about the Writer’s Strike? All my shows are still great!” Till now. {big sigh} And, I expected to have at least half a dozen more episodes this year…

At least, I still have “American Idol” and “L O S T” for now to keep me looking forward to TV time. Maybe I’ll take on a new series – anyone have any recommendations? I love getting caught up by DVD because then you get to watch all the episodes back to back,
