
December 1, 2010

…was cold.

like, bitter cold.

we made plans for the annual neighborhood turkey bowl,
but no one showed up.
because, they are all smart and don’t go outside when it’s that cold!
however, we still bundled up and went…
it was our family, and the howell boys’ annual turkey kick ball!

thank goodness for the howell boys.
what, oh what, would we do without them?!?

once playing…we all warmed up and it was awesome.
i love a good game of kick ball.
and our kids do too…
we’re all kick ball fans.

however, husband was especially grumpy while i was trying to play and take pictures,


kiana was in a show last weekend at a local theater,
and it was incredible!

…we had the most amazing turn-out for her on thursday night.

i tried to count, we had sixty+ people there
who were friends-family-neighbors-her besties…

dude, it was fun.

thank you to everyone who came,

brought her flowers, cake bites!
your support fills our hearts!
much much love!

{iphone pics, not the best quality – dear santa, please bring me a 4G!!!}


punkins…and more

October 20, 2010

we are a little ahead of schedule this year for halloween festivities,
because our life is going to be packed with so many other adventures
the next few weeks {or months}…

this past weekend…

we carved punkins…
we played mr. potato head with our punkins,
we made rice krispies haunted houses,
we made caramel apples {the easy way},
we went boo-ing…

we had our annual family halloween dinner,
we made skull-candy necklaces…
and more!

life is good…

{still lovin’ warty punkins!}

we indulged in sweets all weekend,


our end of summer hoorah…

August 31, 2010
we love this mountain city.

it feels like our own little hideaway.
40 minute drive from our front door.
not too far, a beautiful drive.
the alpine slide.
the coaster {our fave!}
zip lines…

without realizing it, we’ve made it a tradition to end
our kids’ summer vacation with a weekend in park city.

the final family hoorah, before school begins.

boo to summer ending. i really dislike early mornings.
{to check out last year, see here.}


and the award goes to…

March 19, 2010


he won our oscars party-ballot contest this year,

with SEVENTEEN correct guesses!

he won the pot of $$$, a trophy, and a gift card to best buy.
{he just loves to invite people to our house & take their money!}

what a lucky guy!

2nd place ~ tie: moi/bex with fourteen correct
3rd place ~ tie: danny/kyle with eleven correct

1st place ~ tie: kiana/mckenna with eight correct!

congratulations winners!

playing this between award announcements…

we took photos with oscar themed cut-outs…danny’s was the best!


valentine’s day…

March 1, 2010

the movie. and the holiday. at our house…

over the years, dusty has been out-of-town more often than in-town for valentine’s day. which is no big deal, to me. it’s not a holiday that we place too much sentimental value on.

plus, i’ve learned…

i get way more spoiled when he’s out of town than when his real love is right next to me!

this year, dusty was on a trip to the philippines, and our oldest daughter kiana was with him. right now our kids are in a rotation of taking turns going with dad ‘alone’ to the philippines,
