soldier hollow tubing hill

December 30, 2009

we, and seventy of our friends spent the afternoon of myla’s birthday tubing! i feared we would all freeze to death, but even with fresh snow falling, it was not too cold. once we started tubing and pulling kids on tubes, we all kept warm! including the little kiddo’s, sela was a trooper and lasted the full two hours, never once complaining!

this is definitely the way to go tubing, the luxury of a tow-rope!

{click on group photo to see larger}

after tubing,


{with the howell boys!}

it’s tradition now to make gingerbread houses for
our family christmas party,

messy, sugary gingerbread fun!

this year our new addition was the princess castle for our two li’l princesses,

i found them at our local toys r us, but you can check them out online here.
