school’s out…

June 3, 2011

at 10:15am this morning.

my kids can’t wait for summer vacation! this will probably be the longest summer vacation they ever have – because, boston school districts don’t get out for summer vacation for a couple more weeks… then, when we usually start school here in utah around the third week of august – they are not going to be returning to school till the first or second week of september! that gives them a full three months to play! woooo-hoooooo! in my opinion, that’s how it should be!

and, in honor of the 2010-2011 school year coming to an end –
here is a long peek at a few of the activities/events my kiddos had at school &


krispy kreme donuts…

April 29, 2011

are what kj requested for his birthday treat at school this past week. sela spent the entire morning talking about visiting kj’s classroom for this event. then we arrived at kj’s school, she started her velcro-to-momma routine, but was still holding tight to a thick pile of donut hats that she planned on passing out to his friends…

then when it actually came time to pass out the hats, interact with the kids –

she retreated.

to the back corner.

almost in tears.

wayyyy to scary for a little girl with serious-social-anxiety!

right when i think she’s improving, maybe she is out-growing her shyness…she has a moment like this.


busy, busy bees

December 17, 2010

wow. last week we were all doing school projects around here.

i finished my finals, woo-hoooo!

now, there is almost three weeks of no classes. sounds beautiful.

next semester i’ll be taking a typography class, and yet another art history class.
i was considering not going to school this next semester, felt so tired.


then, i bought new pens. and new supplies get me super-excited.

it’s kinda like cleaning. i don’t get overly excited about actual cleaning,
but i get pretty thrilled over new cleaning products.

go figure. lets be honest, i’m just an outstanding consumer.


myla has spent the past two months studying georgia o’keefe,


ode to candy houses

December 14, 2010

…graham crackers, frosting, gum drops, peppermints, lifesaver gummies,

we love the fun you bring.

the creativeness you inspire…

i helped kj in his second grade class last week, with his candy house.

there are special moments kids will remember from their childhoods.
i hope kj remembers this. i hope he at least remembers the feeling.

my love for him. our excessive enthusiasm for the holidays.

i will remember every moment he leaned over and gave me a little snuggle love.
he has never cared where we are, or who is watching.


cake pops

November 5, 2010

i wanted to do something new for myla’s halloween class party last week.
i was in charge of the drink/treat…

so, i chose cake pops.
i used this recipe,
and they were a huge success!

i made 130 cake pops the night before,
and froze them in the freezer over night.

{my kids made a few at home as a trial run & they loved it!}

in class, i used my crock pot to melt the chocolate, it took about 30 minutes,
and melted really well. and, the consistency lasted for the hour+ the kids
were making the cake pops.


her preschool class had their halloween show for parents last week.


the preschool has been decked with decor & it’s so cute…
the kids paraded around the parents,
then showed us their great performing skills.

so cute.
i loved that half of the show,
sela’s eyes were tucked under her owl hoodie.

i couldn’t catch it on camera,
she’d move so fast & peak at us again to make sure we were watching!

this little owl is destined to give me deep smile lines.
you’d think she was our first child,
