first day of school

August 20, 2008

The excitement of the first day of school was in the air this morning…

Everyone was happy to be awake {except Momma and Papi} and really looking forward to their day. The kids were so excited to be back in uniforms! They looked so cute!

Dusty & I took all the kids to school together, dropped them off, took some pictures and had some errands this morning. At about 10am, I got a phone call from Kiana from school. She needed a digital camera. Evidently, we were the only family who missed the note or request to bring one today because her class was working on a photo essay. How cool & fun does that assignment sound?!?


back to school

August 20, 2008

Back to school shopping: Check! {a bit too much, actually…plus I’m testing out some leak proof stainless steel lunch boxes to see if they’re better than plastic ones.}
Back to school dentist appointments: Check! {No cavities, 2 new retainers for K & M}
Back to school haircuts: Check! {K got her first highlights!}
Back to school NIGHT: Check!

This will be the first time in 4 years that all of our kids are going to be attending the same school. It makes everything so convenient! One stop to drop kids off, one stop to pick them up, one back to school night…

The kids took all their supplies to school tonight and loaded up their desks.


what a day! Myla’s 2nd grade class hosted their annual
“Author’s Tea,”
and it was so impressive! Myla wrote/created a book about “Killer Whales.” Her inspiration for this came from her desire to grow up, one day study Biology {following in her Daddy’s footsteps!}, and then she wants to train/care for Shamu. I think she’s found within herself a pretty true interest, because currently she just had a tadpole die that was almost a frog, we have a cup of dirt in the kitchen that have 2 earthworms living in it, and in my kitchen cupboard she is growing 3 butterflies… Biology could definitely be her thing!

Anyway…All of the parents are invited, and our child reads us their book and another book of Poems they have written all year.


The PK and Kindergartners every year at Ivy Hall get to have a water day the last week of school. Jennifer Granum was the Mom in charge and she did such a great job! {of course!} The kids had splashes of fun!
KJ, Dub, & Caden
KJ, Dub, & Caden
Jen planned a little carnival, one of the games was a “cupcake walk”
KJ was walking around the circle with his hands…hmmm.

Caden & Jenn
KJ & Sam{notice KJ’s funky bangs – he gave HIMSELF a haircut a couple of weeks back…}
