Kiana is in a total of 8 shows, #3 & 4 were today – We dropped her off early and hit a place called, “Toasters” for sandwiches, they were REALLY good. They sprinkled basalmic vinegar on the bread, really adds some zest! After her matinee, we headed up to “Backer’s Pastry Shop.” Charming!These cookies were beautiful (as their sign reads), I bought a “rocket ship” for KJ and a “santa” for Myla. As soon as we got home and I gave it to KJ he was blasting it off with sound effects all over the house!The cupcakes were scrumptious!Then we hit a strip of Antique stores (we met our antique store quota for the year.) Dusty found a few ancient “Root beers”


Show #2…Pre-show dinner with friends & family KJ: “Mom, look! The light is a big golf ball!”

Kiana’s FANS:

Susan (spicy) & McKenna BlandHeather & Byron Johnsongirlfriends – Reagan & ElizaGrandma PatHandsome young men – Ethan & Eli HowellDance coach – Savannah DaltonHer biggest fans EVER, we will be at every show!Thank you, Thank you, and Thank you AGAIN to everyone that came. That includes the 100+ Center Stage Performing Arts Studios Coaches, Dancers, and Parents who came that we don’t have pictures of!


We started our girls day out at L&L, Kiana’s favoriteThe Jonas Brothers opened the showHANNAH MONTANAMiley CyrusCONFETTI! My calm girls are right in the middle of all the confetti, SITTING, watching it fall…ENCORE – Miley was adorable and came out in her sweater, jeans, bare foot & sang a song she had written for her Papi when he died 2 years agoTHE END – they loved it!


restaurant tour continues…

September 29, 2007

while Kiana was at rehearsal today (deja vu for some of you) we made reservations through Open Table for Oasis Cafe. This is my first experience with Open table, I registered online just to make reservations for Oasis Cafe today. But, I wanted to pass it along because it seems really cool & convenient. You simply register, use their company online to make your dining reservations and by showing up to these reservations you earn dining credits which give you perks in the end! Also, you have the option to have them notify you by email when local restaurants may be having special events you are possibly interested in.



September 19, 2007

we have started our restaurant tour ‘o salt lake, as Kiana has gone underway with her ballet west rehearsals. Last night she only had a one hour rehearsal so we made reservations just across the street from capital theatre, at hotel monaco’s BAMBARA. Dusty & I used to eat there once in a while and about 6 or 7 years ago we actually had the first Pro Look office christmas dinner party there. Its a great small restaurant that we recommend – especially if you are considering coming to capital theatre to see Kiana in the Nutrcracker, if you want to grab dinner before the ballet, its right across the street AND you can valet park there for both events if you eat there –


2nd rehearsal in Salt Lake.

September 15, 2007

Kiana had her 1st rehearsal Monday, and it went really well. During the 2 hours I easily found a Barnes & Noble and made myself comfy with a book till it was time to pick her up. Tonight was her 2nd rehearsal and Dusty & I decided to get a sitter and go out to dinner while she was dancing. Scott & Susan met us at Ruth’s Chris, we even saw the Granums leaving when we arrived (catch you next time Granums. :-)). We are going to make the very best out of this whole driving to Salt Lake schedule, and plan on trying out lots of new restaurants. If anyone ever wants to join us, just let us know!!!
