2 thumbs up, RAVING reviews on the “Partygirl in pink!”

Show #2…Pre-show dinner with friends & family KJ: “Mom, look! The light is a big golf ball!”

Kiana’s FANS:

Susan (spicy) & McKenna BlandHeather & Byron Johnsongirlfriends – Reagan & ElizaGrandma PatHandsome young men – Ethan & Eli HowellDance coach – Savannah DaltonHer biggest fans EVER, we will be at every show!Thank you, Thank you, and Thank you AGAIN to everyone that came. That includes the 100+ Center Stage Performing Arts Studios Coaches, Dancers, and Parents who came that we don’t have pictures of! Our family had a wonderful evening with you – lots of hugs & kisses to all! {smooch, smooch, big squeeze!}

3 responses to “2 thumbs up, RAVING reviews on the “Partygirl in pink!””

  1. SO fun! We have had a party every night since we’ve been home! Sounds like a fun night! Way to go Kiana…I wonder if she would do it again?…Probably 😉

    You two are pretty much the best parents ever, you are so supportive and so great! I love it!
    ~You look gorgeous, i love your hair like that!

  2. We were supposed to be there! I’m sure she did great! I know what you mean about the tears of joy – I cry when the kids perform at school! Kiana, You’re awesome!

  3. I went back to see the pictures that you blogged of her in costume, I forgot you can’t take pics during the performance. Congratulations to your oldest, baby girl! What a fantastic, fantastic opportunity and I’m already looking forward to next year’s performance!

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