It’s the Best of Both Worlds tour

We started our girls day out at L&L, Kiana’s favoriteThe Jonas Brothers opened the showHANNAH MONTANAMiley CyrusCONFETTI! My calm girls are right in the middle of all the confetti, SITTING, watching it fall…ENCORE – Miley was adorable and came out in her sweater, jeans, bare foot & sang a song she had written for her Papi when he died 2 years agoTHE END – they loved it!

3 responses to “It’s the Best of Both Worlds tour”

  1. Now you are the COOLEST mom ever!! How fun, and it looks so dang close to the Front!
    I am sure they LOVED it! I love Hannah Montana!

  2. I have to agree with Shannon. How fun that you did that with your girls. I cant believe how fast Myla is growing up. She looks so old standing next to Kiana. I too love Hannah Montana, I watch it with my kids. 🙂

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