while living in a hotel, and we didn’t even have a fridge in our room, we managed to try as many restaurants in this area as possible. which, was fun. and most of the time, delicious! only a few places were not-so-great and didn’t make our list!

* nick’s pizza is right down the street from our house – their cheese pizza {thin crust} is uh-mazing.  the kids love it & we can get a large cheese pizza delivered to our front door for $9, for a city – i think that is a pretty great deal!

* johnny’s luncheonette is in newton, and it’s a total tourist stop.


the cazookie.

June 7, 2011

kiana and three of her besties had their own little end-of-school soiree last week.

when the final bell rang, they all headed over to ‘the chocolate’ here in orem.

these young ladies are all fans of ‘the cazookie,’ which is:
your choice of two cookies doughs baked together in a cake pan and topped with a scoop of melty vanilla bean ice cream.

sounds divine, right? yeah. so, i’ve forbidden myself to even taste it! i’m trying to eat good, and once i take even the tinsiest bite of sugar – i’m a goner. it’s all or nothing, and right now: nothing.

so, my end-of-the-school-year celebration is going to have to be post-poned until we’re celebrating something else…


my friend suez, a.k.a. spicy, planned a going-away-sleepover-party for me with some of our dear girlfriends, this past tuesday. we stayed here for the evening, had a delicious dinner here, went to see this, and stopped by here for a final sugar high…

well, it was our final sugar high

till we finished off two boxes of chocolate covered cinnamon bears somewhere around 2am. and some cake bites.

the entire evening completely blew my mind, my sleep schedule, and my waistband!


our cousins from southern cali spent a few days with us earlier this month. we played blokus {our fave family board game!} + played rook + stayed up till the wee hours of the morning + engaged in soul-searching conversations + went skiing + visited the bean museum + stopped by the byu bookstore for candy + spent the afternoon at the provo beach resort + ate at malawi’s + ordered pizza + cheered for myla at futsol + made a big taco bar at home with our fave starter sauce + ordered in indian food + gained a few pounds in just a few days…


on thursday evening, i hosted a book club at my home. {i think we could also be dubbed, “eating club.” lol!} this past month we read, ‘the education of little tree‘ by forrest carter which was my book choice. the book itself offers a perspective of life as a cherokee indian boy {named – little tree} being raised by his grandparents during the depression. i tend to be drawn to books that offer any perspective i haven’t considered – be it cultural, a different time period, etc.

most everyone liked the book – we just need to do a little research now to find out which events/happenings are based on fact & what is fictional…


my valentine.

February 18, 2011

we kept things very low-key this year.

i’ve been recovering from a minor surgery that i’ve put off for years and finally took care of. so, i wasn’t looking to go grand-scale with plans.

my husband always comes through when it comes to gifts, flowers, and all the romantic stuff i could ever wish for.

he planned our dinner here with good friends, which is a fresh & swanky kind of joint.
i highly recommend the flank steak.

and, this + this appeared on my kitchen table with big bows around them…
