July 4, 2009

if you have tickets to the stadium of fire tonight at byu,

kiana is performing.

she will be dancing with the stadium of fire dancers,


the center stage dancers will be on the square stage in the middle of the field.

at times, she has a cane as a prop…keep an eye out for her!

happy 4th of july!


a change of shoes

July 3, 2009

as of today.

my myla decided to hang up her dance shoes.

she has spent seven years dancing.

jazz. ballet. ballroom. hip-hop. tumbling. tap.

she has had incredible coaches, and teachers…

but from here on out,

she plans on spending more time in cleats, and tennis shoes doing things like this…

and of course, ART!

we’ll be cheering for you moosey!!!


because of this change of shoes, we have lots of dance items available for sale.


mr. and mrs. mcnutt

June 23, 2009

dusty’s niece shauna and her fiance’ jason,
were married june 20th, 2009
in ely, nevada {the birthplace of my husband}

ceremony & reception held at the Ely railroad depot-

{reminder: you can double-click on any pictures to see them larger.}the wedding ceremony~
dusty & his siblings –
dusty*kenny*ruthy{mother of the bride}*nancy*ryan
dusty & his sis nancy are helping their niece pin-up her bustle…


biking to borders

June 19, 2009

we have an amazing neighborhood.

this is our second annual kids summer book club.
it’s officially a tradition.

starting last year…{and look here}…once school is out, we ride our bikes to borders book store. each age group/gender chooses the book they are going to all read for the summer. we have lunch at bajio’s, and then ride our bikes back home.

later this summer, each of us mom’s will host one of the age groups for a little book group based on the theme of their book. we’ll have games, treats, etc.

so so fun. and educational!

this is only a portion of our group.


great success!

June 7, 2009


thank you to everyone who helped make our yard sale a
great success!

If you helped spread the word to advertise, if you came & shopped, brought along a friend or someone with you, if you helped us set-up or take-down. In which ever way you were involved…

thank you. thank you. thank you.

we advertised 7-9 am, and we kept a crowd of people till 1pm! and by a “crowd of people,” i mean a CROWD!

these beautiful girls were my cashiers – and they were such incredible helpers, really couldn’t have done it without them! i never once heard a complaint.
