as of today.
my myla decided to hang up her dance shoes.
she has spent seven years dancing.
jazz. ballet. ballroom. hip-hop. tumbling. tap.
she has had incredible coaches, and teachers…
but from here on out,
she plans on spending more time in cleats, and tennis shoes doing things like this…
and of course, ART!
we’ll be cheering for you moosey!!!
because of this change of shoes, we have lots of dance items available for sale. if you need a ballroom costume in about a size 5-6-7-8 or skirt, we have a few you can look at…
also, we have a dozen or so pairs of ballroom shoes. some very worn. others nearly new. email me if interested – great prices!
I am going to miss her sooooo much!! She really was one of my favorite students. I will miss seeing her every couple of days. She will be so good at her sports and I hope she has tons of fun. If there are any games or anything that I can come watch her at let me know. I would love to see her in action.
Good for her for following her dreams. She definitely looks like she will get out there and have a good time!
Good for you Myla! Follow your dreams!
With two b-ball playing boys I don't have a need for dance items around here, but I will pass the information on to my dance students. Thanks!
Aww, what a sweet little girl! And what a great mom who is supporting her decision! I LOVE this. I teach elementary school and I can't tell you how many conversations I've had with kids who have been taking classes of some sort or another that they HATE because their parents are making them continue something. I totally understand the difference between really trying something out before you make a decision and sticking with something because your parents hope you'll go to the Olympics someday. Way to be Mom! -e
oh my, I love this girl. Not only is she super athletic, creative, a beautiful dancer, fun and super Talented but now old enough to make up her mind to do what she really enjoys! I can't believe how fast they are growing, its so fun but so sad at the same time. I love that she has done it all and now knows what she really loves.
I am still waiting for Boston. haha
Now lets sign them up for Rock climbing camp in August!! I think Chase will be here too.
P.S. I want one of those Ice cream sandwiches!!
Im sorry too hear it- Meg is hanging up her shoes too. 🙁 But hey they gotta follow their dreams! You are awesome Mylagirl!
what a decision, but a great one at that! she is so talented in everything she does!
save some of the stuff though for her posterity, don't sell it all!
I'm so sad to hear this Jane! I know you mentioned it to me a couple of months ago, but now it's sinking in. Holly is going to be devastated. She adores Myla! So much time in their short lives spent together. What a darling dancer, too. What a relief for you, though! I'm envious in a way. I don't know if I am up to this for the long haul. It's about putting me over the edge (not to mention breaking the bank!) I'm having my 5 year old who is dying to dance try out for Kaleidoscope in a few weeks. The thought of another dancer is making me nauseous. Good for you and Myla! We'll miss her so much.
Ha! I love a girl who knows what she wants and goes for it. Go Myla!
Don't sell all that girly stuff just yet! It sounds like it could keep Sela entertained for days. I love how Myla is half princess and half tomboy. She is a keeper!
What a sweet post Jane, you are such a great mom. Myla is so cute and she seems like such an amazing kid!
Jane, I found your blog through Savannah and I am to sad to hear this! I have loved teaching her the short time that I have. She is a very talented girl and I know she will go far in all her new adventures! Good Luck Myla!
omg. Avrie is putting away her dance shoes this year too! she has decided that dance is not her thing and wants to give sports a try…… like we dont have enough of that already. it breaks my heart that she does not want to do it anymore but i have to let her be herself. good luck to Myla !