pioche, nevada…

August 2, 2010
is where these three cuties spent three days

while kiana and i were here.

without question, it was the best three days of their summer.
they love their auntie, uncle, & cousins!

and they love all the fun activities that come with
visiting their home.

thank you, scott family,
for being so-so wonderful!




August 2, 2010
despicable me ~
despicable? hardly. oddly-charming? definitely.
a must see.

kj has a new trick.
he pops the lenses out of his 3-d glasses,
and transforms them into a trendy accessory.

myla copied him,
i thought they were both adorable!


{avatar: the last airbender} ~

i did not see this movie, however, my kids did. i had no interest whatsoever! myla, who is the avatar expert, says, “it’s slow. she loved it. not like the book. she can’t wait for the next. {a bit contradictory, in her opinions}


ramona &


…more priceless family time.

more delicious food.

more warm summer nights, visiting under the stars
on the patio.

day 2: sela was much more comfortable near the water,
but still did not want to be in the water.


myla was doing the best she could to keep moana movin’ all over…

still, no luck putting her into labor!

{are those the cutest girl names?!?}

kj &


laguna beach, day 1

July 30, 2010
after nuvo, disneyland, and california adventure we headed out of the city
and spent two days in laguna beach.

dusty’s aunt nadine & uncle david,
plus their 8 children,
malia, melani, maile, mele, martin, michael, moana, and momi.
+ spouses with more children…
all live in the most charming homes in or near laguna beach.
they have resided their for a long time now,
and i feel like they kinda own the place.

when we first arrived, we walked just a few steps from auntie’s home to catch the local free trolley. {yeah, the kids loved it} we strolled downtown, did some shopping, stopped in the local gelato shop.


we went to disneyland.

the pros: we didn’t wait longer than 10 minutes for anything. we were able to do both parks in one day, all of our favorite rides & attractions. it was incredible.

the cons: it was hot. so hot, you’ll notice little sela~bella’s sweaty bangs in most the pictures.

this trip to disneyland & california adventure was truly magical for us. and, truly, all about sela. i observed that kiana & myla are kinda ‘over’ disneyland…after they get a few rides on ‘screamin,’ then it’s all about enjoying the other rides with sela…

but, all of us feel that way!

every ride or attraction was….



July 29, 2010
kiana, and center stage had a fantastic week at nationals for nuvo.

the dancers spend their week, dancing. dancing. dancing. around the clock.

kiana would take workshop classes from 8am-2pm each day. i would meet up with her for lunch, and our typical scene is shown below… dancers and their mommas at lunch break~

then each afternoon from about 4pm-midnight is the national competition. we are not allowed to take photos during the competition because professional videos & photos are offered there, so i am limited, to where i can snap away…but still got a few.

kiana was competing as a junior national break out artist.
